Which made me wonder what it would be like when he finally dictated a session. Would I feel afraid? Or would it turn me on even more?

“Your Highness,” a low voice said, his throat clearing. “We, uh, found him in the communications room talking to his brother.”

I started to slip away, returning to the moment, the disgust inside my mouth, but the hand at the back of my head urged me onward even as Necros addressed his minions. “Why did you leave my wife alone?” he asked, his voice a low growl of sound, all hints of his anger gone.

“This is the most lively I’ve seen her all week,” Adrik replied, causing my heart to skip a beat. It felt wrong for him to watch this, to see me on my knees before another man. Even if that man was my husband.

But as I tried to pull back, I was forced down again, taking even more of Necros into my throat. I fought a gag, knowing it would infuriate him, and tried to find my focus again, to remember the one I truly wanted between my lips.

“She’s been asleep, My Lord,” Adrik continued, sounding bored. “I locked her inside and went to catch up with my brother.”

“Locked her inside?” one of the guards repeated, snorting. “More like locked us out.”

“Of course,” Adrik replied. “Because the king entrusted me with her care and I didn’t want to risk his wrath should anything happen to her while she slept. Did I misunderstand my charge?”

“You’re supposed to be training her,” Necros cut in, his grip tightening against my scalp as he picked up his pace with bruising thrusts.

“Hard to train a corpse, Your Highness,” Adrik returned. “But I’ve done what I can, and given the way she’s eagerly sucking your cock, I’d say I’ve had at least a small impact on her skill.”

Eagerly, I repeated with a snort. I tried again not to gag at the harsh penetration into my throat, adding, Hardly.

Trust me, I’m not enjoying this, either.

It’s not your mouth he’s fucking, I pointed out, doing my best to again fall into my dream of this being Adrik, not Necros, and failing because of the conversation flowing around me.

“It is different to have her beg to suck me off,” Necros agreed, his eyes finding mine and smiling. “I do like you in this position, Valora. It’s so befitting of a whore.”

Fire ignited in my soul, but I forced it down and drew my teeth along his length instead, which earned me a growl of approval from deep in his throat.

Pretend it’s Adrik, I coached myself. Pretend it’s Adrik.

Green eyes melted to black once more, the smirk belonging to a pair of full lips I longed to kiss and the hand in my hair turning to a caress down my neck.

Think of my tongue between your thighs, Adrik whispered, causing my legs to clench. Of your sweet, swollen clit between my teeth as I nibble and lick and suck until you shatter.

Oh God.

Mmm, that’s it, sweet star. Imagine my cock filling your mouth, my seed pouring down your throat, and swallow for me. Take me deep inside. Keep me where I belong.

I did. I swallowed every salty, thick drop, knowing all the while it tasted wrong, that it lacked Adrik’s smoky notes, yet pretending it was him all the same. I even licked my lips for more as the thick length left my mouth, my heated gaze staring longingly into a pair of eyes that were the wrong color.

“Fuck,” Necros breathed, his hand still on my head, stroking me as one would a pet. “Well, that’s an improvement.”

Adrik stood in the hallway, leaning against the wall, his focus on Necros. He lifted a shoulder. “It’s a work in progress.”

A flash of hurt seared my heart. It was all part of the charade. I knew that. But a part of me worried he meant it.

I hadn’t allowed him to be himself in the bedroom yet.

I hadn’t been able to.

Was I not satisfying enough for him?

I lowered my gaze, falling back to my heels, and bowed my head.

“Hmm, I see,” Necros murmured. “Well. How about a night with my whores? That should help.”

“I would enjoy that,” Adrik replied, sending another arrow to my chest.