Not talking to Valora today had been one of the hardest tasks of my life, but she needed to know that she could do this on her own. Because I might not always be here to help her.

Raucous laughter rent the air as one of the women choked and sputtered on whatever Necros had forced her to swallow.

My stomach churned as she fell to the floor writhing in exquisite pain.

Part of me wanted to leave her, to let her die. It would be better than living in this hell.

But this woman lived in what I considered to be my kingdom.

I stood and kicked her hard in the back, dislodging the item from her throat. It shot across the room, a cock ring far too large for her feminine throat.

The chuckles died, Necros arching a brow in question.

I shrugged. “She’s the one I want to play with tonight, which I can’t do if she’s dead. Unless I’m not allowed a treat? In which case, continue.”

If he denied me the female, I’d have no choice but to leave her to her fate. However, the faint twitch of his lips said he found my choice amusing. “You’re a fan of succubi.”

“Aren’t we all?” I countered, a forced smile in my voice.

“They’re very durable,” Necros agreed, waving his hand. “You can take her. I’ve gotten what I needed from the slut.”

“Excellent. Then you don’t mind if I retire with her?” I held my hand out for the wheezing female, her body still working to heal from the injury caused to her throat. And, well, her back. Which I’d be apologizing for soon.

Necros gestured happily. “Do as you please, Prince Adrik. My home is your home.”

You have no idea how true that is, I thought, nodding in my version of a bow. “Congratulations again on your victory, My Lord.”

“Cheers,” several of the nobles proclaimed, pleasing Necros greatly.

I left them to their debauchery, the wounded succubus following with a snap of my fingers. Knowing cameras watched our every move, I didn’t turn or acknowledge her, just expected her to follow. It wasn’t until we entered my chambers that I finally addressed her.

She was a petite little waif of a female with tangled red hair, pearly white skin, and bones that protruded in places they shouldn’t. She didn’t look at me, her head bowed, her hands already inching closer to my belt as if she expected me to shove her to her knees immediately.

Instead, I swept her messy locks away from her face, cupped her cheek, and forced her glazed eyes to meet mine. “You will eat. You will rest. You will recover.” Each statement was laced in compulsion, something I hated to do, but I didn’t have time to perfect my approach. And I refused to bite what was clearly a drug-enslaved succubus.

She collapsed into one of the chairs in my sitting area. I retrieved some water and snacks from the en-suite bar. “Eat these and drink this,” I said, holding her gaze once more. “When you feel more comfortable, sleep. I’ll bring you better food in the morning.”

It was all I could do for her.

She lost herself to the chocolate bar I left in her lap, her hum of approval one that would haunt my dreams for days to come.

Necros would pay for this sin and all the others. In time.

Sweet star, I murmured, entering the passageway behind the painting in my room and heading toward her quarters. Are you awake?

Her mind told me she was alert, but her mental voice didn’t reply, a hint of anger and hurt lurking in the thread between us.

I’m sorry for cutting you off, I whispered, knowing that to be the cause. But I needed you to perform on your own today, to prove to yourself how powerful you truly are. And you were amazing, Valora. The brightest star I’ve ever seen.

Women and children died, she replied, her tone holding a mixture of annoyance and despair. Because you didn’t warn me.

I frowned. I didn’t know what he planned to do. He invited me out to watch as the chaos unfolded. But I did warn you something was coming. I drew closer to her rooms, the hallways all too familiar now that I’d made this trek so many times.

She didn’t know, but I’d spent last night here, keeping her company in her dreams. Several weeks of sharing a bed with her had unexpectedly changed me and caused me to crave her presence. She wasn’t the first female I’d experienced such an intimate act with, but she was the first I wanted to continuously bed. Perhaps because I’d yet to take her the way I craved.

That was going to change tonight.

If she allowed it.