Apparently, sleep isn’t on my agenda today though, not with the way my phone is vibrating along the top of the stand.

“Hello,” I breathe out grumpily, not even looking at who’s calling. All I want is my bed. I mean, if Rhett were here with me, it’d be even better, but that’s not going to happen.

“Selena Perez, what’s this I hear about you leaving the restaurant with a tall drink of water? And you didn’t call me, send me pictures, or text me. It’s like you’re not even from my womb. Aye, aye, aye.” There’s nothing better than your mom calling and literally harassing you to know every aspect of your life. Sadly, this is just who she is. To know her is to love her.

“I don’t kiss and tell. Somebody raised me better than that, remember?” I sass back at her.

“Ugh, I didn’t raise you that way. I told you to tell me everything but not to kiss and tell to your father. Now, I need details on this not so mysterious man.” Mom acts like she doesn’t know about Rhett. Please. She’s seen me act like a bumbling idiot a time or two when he came into town.

“Momma, I love you, but there are some things I am not telling you.” She huffs in my ear, but it’s not like we did a whole lot of talking after we left the restaurant and he followed me home. The minute we were both inside, we were a tangle of limbs, kissing each other with more force than necessary. But that’s what happens when you flirt for months. It builds up a need so deep inside, you can’t see the bottom unless you get a taste of one another.

“Fine, stubborn daughter of mine. Tell me this, will you be over for Sunday dinner, and if so, will you be bringing Rhett?” See what I mean? She knows him.

“How about I ask him tonight when he comes back over, and I’ll let you know either way?” One thing I do know for sure is anything we start will be hard, especially because he lives two hours away.

“I swear it’s like pulling teeth to get answers out of you or your father. Why can’t you be more like Raven and tell me everything?” She’s teasing me. The difference between Raven and me is that she doesn’t have a whole lot of family who cares about her, so Mom took her under her wing.

“Well, then, what would you complain about?” I laugh.

“Too true. Okay, text me and let me know what’s going on. Love you, baby girl.” God bless. Now I can finally nap.

“Love you.” I hang up after that, place the phone back on my nightstand, then it’s me in my cold bed without Rhett, but at least his scent is there to keep me company and lull me to sleep.



The minute I stepped into my meeting with a potential horse buyer, I knew this guy wasn’t going to actually purchase one of our thoroughbreds, much less the three he told Laney, my sister, he was interested in. At least it wasn’t a wasted trip. The start of Selena and me was worth anything in my eyes. Though, having to call back to the family ranch and tell them it was a total wash, but I was still staying here in Evan, Texas, instead of cancelling my trip and coming home, let’s just say it raised eyebrows, namely my sister’s and mother’s. Dad, on the other hand, chuckled, leaving it at that.

That’s why I’m not even heading back to my hotel. Instead, I’m back where last night started, standing on Selena’s doorstep, knocking on the door. Too bad she’s not answering. I pull my phone out of my pocket, dialing her and listening to it ring for what seems like the hundredth time before her sleepy voice comes over the line, “’Ello.”

“Lena, sunshine. You sleep like the dead. Been banging on your door and getting looks from your neighbors. Happy as fuck you answered my call,” I tell her. I’m enjoying the way her words aren’t coming out coherently.

“Wait, what? You’re at my door? I thought you had a meeting all day.” I can hear the rustling of bedsheets through the phone.

“Things changed. Now I’m here, ready to kiss you awake and take you out on a proper date.” My phone is still pressed to my ear even though I can hear the slide of the deadbolt, then she’s opening the door. Fuck, Selena is rocking my Goddamn world.

“Sorry, I fell back asleep.” Those words leave her mouth as I place my phone back in my pocket, my hands itching to have them touch her body.

“No apology needed. Let’s get you back in bed.” My arms slide to her hips, grasping them before picking her up and her legs are wrapped around my hips.