Strong fingers curl around my jaw, pulling my gaze to his. My green eyes clash with his brown ones, and I want to crawl into his chest and let him protect me. I want his warmth, when he’s never given me anything but ice.

My skin starts to hum, and I grind my teeth together to ward it off, but I know I’m almost out of time.

“Felix,” I whimper, hunching forward, feeling as if there are claws shredding my insides.

“What is it, Hazel?” His voice has an edge of nerves in it, as if he’s worried about me. It’s exactly how he sounded on the train tracks. His fear was palpable. My eyes lift to his, and I reach out, knowing he may hate me, may disregard me altogether.

Or he may save me.

My fingers wrap around his, and I turn his hand over, my fingers brushing his palm. “There’s something… inside of me.”

He pulls back slightly. “Something… inside of you? What, like a fucking STD?”

I internally roll my eyes while I bite down on the inside of my cheek in irritation. “No, you asshole. Something happened to me out in the woods.” I clutch my throat, feeling the fullness of evil filling me by the second. “Like Malik,” I whisper.

His face goes stone cold. He doesn’t say a word as he watches me, as if he can’t think of a thing to say.

“I need you to help me,” I croak out.

His eyes narrow. “What the hell am I supposed to do? Why didn’t you tell anyone? Vera can help you. Fuck, Malik can probably help you!” he roars.

My fingers tighten around his. “They will freak out. I don’t need them. I need…” I pull in a breath. “I need you.”

He licks his lips. “What am I supposed to do?”

He’s going to hate me.

“Your blood, Felix, your bloodline is strong. I think me and you… together… it can help me.”

His face goes blank. “Are you trying to fucking tell me that I’m a witch?” He rips his hand from mine. “Fuck off, Hazel. I’m not the fucking witch in this car. Get the fuck out of here.”

“Felix,” I groan, just as a sharp pain hits right in the side of my head. I fold over, my fingers digging in my hair as I clutch my skull. “Fuck,ow!” I let out a scream, feeling like my bones are pulling tight, twisting, about to crack into pieces.

“Hazel, what the hell is happening?” My body is lifted, and I’m dragged over to his side of the car, settled in Felix’s lap. “Talk to me. Tell me what to do.”

Tears flood my eyes, trailing down my cheeks.

It feels like my blood is on fire, the hairs on my arms singeing, the nails of my fingers about to splinter in half.

Everything feels so close to snapping.

“Help me,” I sob, the world turning black. I gasp in breaths, trying to remain here, in the now, even though I can feel the darkness pulling me under. It’s strong, and I know if I allow it to take me over, I won’t ever recover. “Please help me,” I gasp.

“Tell me what to do.” His voice is certain now, calm as he speaks to me.

He’s going to help me. He’s going to save me.

“Grab my hands,” I croak, lifting my shaky hands in front of him. Each breath, every word, is absolute agony.

His warm, firm fingers grip mine, and he laces them with mine.

I tilt my head to the ceiling, closing my eyes, and start humming.

“What am I supposed to do now?” he asks quietly.

I bring my head up, snapping my eyes to his. “Be quiet.”

He clenches his jaw, put the hell out, but says nothing.