My mother.

She stares at me blankly, and I know.

She knows.

And she knows that I know.

I raise my hand in a wave, and she gives one back, her fingers curling over slightly.

Then she mouths the words,I love you.

I love you, too, I mouth back.

I’ll fix this for you, Mom. I’ll fix this for all of us.

I shift into reverse, pulling out of my driveway with a jerk. I can feel the darkness around me, growing stronger, the air filling with shadows, the blood-red moon so damn dark I no longer know if it’s light or day. It’s just like the entries I read, as if I’m flung back in time.

The days grow dark, and the moon grows red, and I wonder if death and destruction will hit like it did before.

A shiver rolls through me as I fly down the road, not knowing where I’m going until I’m pulling up to Felix’s driveway. I honk the horn, hoping that he’ll hear me.

Please hear me.

I’m both disgusted and sad and even a little angry at the revelation.

We’re related.

What we have is… taboo. It’s forbidden. It shouldn’t exist, yet we crossed that boundary. What is next for us? Where do we go from here?

The gate clicks and slides open, and I’m through it before it opens fully. I park quickly in front of his garage door, ripping the keys from my ignition and tossing them next to my backpack.

I’m racing up his steps just as he opens the front door in only a pair of low-hanging black shorts. He stares at me calmly, though I’m sure I look like a damn wild animal.

I stop when I reach him, bending over, my hands planting on my knees as I gasp in a breath. “I just… I just…”

“Spit it the fuck out, Hazel,” he snaps.

I stand up straight, giving him a glare. “I just found out a lot of shit.”

He lifts a brow. “Hopefully how to close the portal.” He lifts his hands, and I glance up at the red sky, seeing dark shadows.

So many shadows.

My eyes widen, and I step forward, just as Felix wraps his hand around my wrist, yanking me inside and slamming the door.

“Did you figure out what to do?” he asks, standing close… too close. The lock flicks, and a shiver rolls through me.

We’re related.

We’re fucking related.

I want the mantra to continue running through my mind, but the way Felix stares at me, how he smells so manly, how his naked chest ripples with each movement, the heavy dips around his pelvis as it leads to his cock…

I shake my head, ridding the dirty thoughts.

“Rowena created the portal, Felix. She’s the one that made it.”

He narrows his eyes, not wanting to believe my words. “What fucking witchy book did you read that shit in?”