I dig my hand into my pocket, my fingers wrapping around my blade. “Let’s get him,” I growl.

Malik’s hand clamps around my arm, holding me back. “You can’t do anything, Felix. There’s no way you’re getting even close to that thing without it snapping your neck like a fucking pencil. You are useless against him.”

My gaze whips to his, hopeless and so fucking distraught. “Then what the fuck do we do?” I roar, my finger pointing to Hazel, who looks so damn distorted I’m worried she’s about to snap in half. Her feet dangle in the air, and her face twists in pain, even though I know she’s in whatever trance he has her in.

She’s fighting it, though. I can feel it.

“We need to help her,” I growl.

“There’s only one thing we can do,” Blaire says.

“What is that?” I ask her, giving her my full attention.

Anything, I’ll do anything.

“We need to keep doing what she wanted us to do, and hope,hope, that it’ll be enough.” She raises her hands, and Levi grabs on hers, then Atticus’s onto his, and when he lifts his injured hand to mine, I take it.

My eyes stay on Hazel as I breathe, suddenly so desperate for her to come out of this alive that I’d trade places with her.

I’d do anything.

I want to hate her. I want to fight her.

But I can’t lose her.

I hear the groan of something moving beneath the rubble, and the wood shakes apart. Vera lets out a gasp when the cross from the top of the school appears beneath the debris.

I can see movement out of the corner of my eye, and with a flick of the demon’s wrist, Hazel’s body slams down on the cross.

On the upside down cross.

“No,” Piper cries out.

“Stop. Stop!” I shout, my free hand that should be in Hazel’s slicing through the air. “Quit reacting. Think. Believe. Do exactly what Hazel fucking said.”

I can feel us all relax, collectively, and I fucking use all the strength in my blood as I watch Hazel, her eyes white, but the line between her brows telling me she’s still in there. She’s still fucking in there.


Hazel lets out a tortured scream as her arm snaps in half, and I swallow around the lump in my throat as I refuse to react, but I can’t help my eyes widening, the burning in my sinuses.


Her wrist snaps, and I clench my jaw.

Snap, snap, snap.

I watch her fingers bend back, one by one, each one causing Hazel to scream, pain ripping through her throat so brutally, goosebumps break across the back of my neck.

Snap, snap.

Her last two fingers break, and I’m terrified, so I close my eyes, wishing as hard as I fucking can.

Come on, blood, don’t fucking let me down now.


My eyes fly open, my free hand reaching down into my pocket. My fingers curl around the small vial that I took from her. I don’t know why I did, but I just… did.