I glance up at her. “When do I get to go home?” I ask her.

She pulls her hand back, walking to the chair to grab her purse. Tugging the strap over her shoulder, she gives me a small wince. “You’ll be in here at least a week, I presume.”

My mouth drops. “What?A week?” I cry out.

She nods slowly. “Your body is broken, Hazel. Your arm, wrist, every finger on your right hand, gaping wounds in your hand and thigh, surgery to repair the muscle in your leg, sprained ankle, and a hairline fracture that almost hit your spine and would’ve paralyzed you. You have to heal, Hazel. That’s the most important thing.”

I bite at my lip, not realizing how horrible I ended up, but also not wanting to be stuck in this white room for another second. “I can heal at home.”

“Stop fighting it, Hazel. You almost died. Stay here until you’re better and then you can come home,” Blaire barks at me.

I turn my scowl to her, but she stands her ground.

They mean well, but no one wants to be cooped up in a fucking hospital.

“I’ll be back,” my mom says before skirting out of the room.

Atticus, Malik, and Levi step into the room, and Levi glances out into the hall before shutting the door.

“What’s going on?” I ask with furrowed brows. My body brushes against the clean but rough sheets on the mattress, and I instantly miss my soft cotton ones.

“You’re fucking alive.” Vera smirks, walking up to me.

“You did it. Do you realize how lucky you are to be alive? How scary it looked with you on the edge of death?” Blaire asks.

“We all thought you died,” Piper chimes in.

My eyes ping-pong between each of them, and it’s too much, so I close them, my good hand coming up to rub against my lids. “It’s all so hazy.”

“Obviously. You weren’t even awake for half of it.” Vera rolls her eyes.

Malik steps up to me, and a coolness washes over my body as he blinks down at me. “I guess we’re related, witch,” he mumbles.

I nod.

He lifts a brow. “I’ll let you heal nicely this time, but don’t get mixed up in shit again. I don’t fucking like when something happens to my family.”

My family.

My nose burns, and I rub at it, so damn emotional for no reason at all.

Atticus steps up behind him, leaning over his shoulder, his hand going to my thigh, over the white sheet. “Though you looked hella epic up in the air like that, I have to agree. That was enough creepy shit for a lifetime.”

“Okay,” I whisper. This is all too much. These guys are theenemy, and now they’re myfamily. And they’re being nice to me. I’m not used to their kindness, only their cruelty. I feel whiplashed with emotions, and I want to run from it all. Burrow under these covers and not come out until things are back to how they were.

“And if you decide to fight some fucking demons from hell, maybe you should warn us next time? A little heads-up would be nice,” Levi says from the corner, and I lift my gaze, watching him stand there, watching me with a harsh and hurt face. He shoves off the wall, stepping toward me. “Clearly, we’ve fucked up over the years. If we knew you were family, we never would’ve done half the shit we did.” He comes closer, and Malik and Atticus step out of the way. Levi’s thighs brush the bed, and his hand comes out, stopping right in front of my good one.

“Truce?” he asks.

This time, a tear slips out, and I can’t even brush it away. My good hand lifts, and I set it in his. “Truce,” I whisper.

Malik grabs Levi on the back of the neck, pulling him back. “Let’s go see what kind of shit we can get to eat and let them talk, yeah?”

They all stare at me, all six of them. I feel like an unknown species, or like I might break or something.

“I’m fine,” I rasp.

Malik nods. “She’s fine. Let’s go.”