I narrow my eyes, listening to the glugging sound of the gasoline shake inside the jug.

“How the hell are we supposed to get in? This place won’t be unlocked at night,” she asks.

We all collectively sigh, our shoulders dropping as realization stops us. My neck cranks back as I stare at the tall building, greenish black vines curling around the bricks, foreboding as it stands tall on the end of the cliff.

To our right, I can hear the angry waves of Lake Superior crashing against the sharp, deadly rocks. I breathe in the cool, freshwater air, the rain lingering in the distance.

There is beauty in death. There is beauty in darkness. Castle Pointe may be locked forever in a curse, but it’s also the most hauntingly beautiful place I’ve ever seen.

I’m not giving up.

I shove myself around Blaire, my hand going to the handle. I give it a strong pull, and the hinges barely budge, stopping on the deadbolt.


“Well, fuck. I didn’t think about that,” Vera groans.

I glance around, my eyes catching onto the basement windows. A place I’ve never been, and honestly, never even really knew existed.

“We can just break a window. Look, there.” I point down below, and Vera’s eyes widen, an idea coming to mind.

She shoves her jug of gasoline at me, and I circle my arms around both of them as I watch Vera. She hops down the stairs two at a time, grabbing an extra jagged rock from a nearby pile, and walks up to the window.

“Shit, we are so getting caught.” Blaire laughs, a mixture of excitement and nerves in her tone.

Vera glances up at us, her eyes shining beneath the moon. “I don’t really care at this point.” With a large swing, she chucks the rock forward as hard as she can. The glass shatters, spider-webbing across the stained-glass window. Vera’s hand goes forward, and she pushes on the glass, though it doesn’t budge. She brings her boot up, shoving her foot forward, and the shards break, half falling into the church, half tumbling down her boot and into the bushes.

“Come with me, guys. I don’t want to go in there alone.”

I walk down the steps, the girls following behind me. “I’ve never been in the basement.”

“I didn’t even know therewasa basement,” Piper grumbles.

We all circle around Vera, and she sticks her head inside, glancing around.

“What do you see?” I whisper.

She responds, but her voice is muffled from inside. It must not be terrible, because she situates herself and slides down, her boots slapping hard against the ground.

I crouch lower, looking inside the dusty basement as I hand Vera the gas cans. I head in next, the smell of old paper and damp cement hitting my nose.

“Okay, let’s hurry,” Vera pants, taking another step, her foot instantly knocking into a metal shelf.

Piper takes out her phone, turning on the flashlight as we slowly shuffle forward.

“Shit,” Blaire whispers.

My eyes widen, chills rolling through me, as I take in the sight before us. I couldn’t tell much about what this basement was filled with without any lights, but when the light illuminates the room, everything we shouldn’t see comes into view.

Spiderwebs cover the ceiling, almost everything above us filled with the white, sticky trails connecting from the ceiling, to the shelves, beams, and back again. It makes creepy-crawlies fall over my skin, and I instantly feel itchy.

Most of the shelves are stacked with books. Old, antique, oversized, and leather-bound literature. It’s like an antique store, but bad vibes settle in my gut, because this selection of books would never be found in a regular bookstore.

One shelf is filled with old artifacts and figurines. Doll heads, wooden carvings of crosses, deer skulls, racks of antlers, and an assortment of bones from who knows what. Jars of colored sands, and other glass containers holding different consistencies of mystery liquids. I don’t have to touch them to get a sense of what they are.

They are bad. They are filled with a malevolence that shouldn’t be housed in a church. These types of potions should be buried underground or locked in a secure box with no access to being released.

If the wrong people were to happen upon these items, it would spell disaster for Castle Pointe.