Atticus thinks he’s hilarious when he even breathes.

Levi is angry constantly.

And Felix… Felix is a fucking mistake, and my biggest enemy.

I made the biggest mistake of my life by hooking up with him three years ago. A stupid party that I didn’t even want to go to, but Blaire and Piper just had to go check it out. So, we went.

And then I got drunk.

And I danced.

And somehow, some-fucking-how, I ended up in the back of Felix’s Range Rover, with my wrists pinned behind my back as he gave me the most mind-blowing, life-altering, bone-shattering orgasm of my entire life. I can count on one hand the number of guys I’ve slept with, and they were all like Pop Rocks, and Felix was a damn atomic bomb explosion.

Life. Altering.

Until he finished, and he sneered at me like I put him out, then opened his door and walked away without even agoodbye.


In the moment with him, I felt something, deep in my soul. But afterward, I realized it was all a rouse, just like everything else about Felix. He pretends to be a god, but he’s nothing but the devil with a flawless mask on his face.

I hate him, and I hate how he looks at me, like I’m unworthy. How he and his friends have picked on me myentirelife.

He’s never been kind to me, not even slightly. Not once.

I’ve always kept my distance from the four nightmares of Castle Pointe. That is, until Vera swept into town and into our hearts, taking up residence with her assertive ass-self.

She’s bossy as hell, and I love her for it. And honestly, if keeping Vera means dealing with those nightmares, we’ll deal with it. We’ll survive.

I’ll just keep my distance from him like I always have, and pretend he doesn’t exist, and the times he makes it known, when he goes out of his way to fuck with me, I’ll bite back.

Because I’m not a coward, and Felix is… Felix. With a body cut like stone, sharp cheekbones, standing over six feet tall, he’s not a vision easily forgotten. Then add in his dark, thick locks that lay messily on top of his head, and intense chocolaty eyes, and no girls can resist him.

But I can, because if there’s one thing I know, it’s that I fucking hate Felix Port.

I clear all thoughts of Felix from my mind as I crank my steering wheel around a sharp corner, the angry waves of Superior crashing in the distance. The waves are loud tonight, though the silence is even louder.

The silence is unlike anything I’ve ever experienced in Castle Pointe.

One year ago, Castle Pointe changed. It changed us, really. Everything was turned on its axis, and I think we’re all lucky to be alive.

When Vera moved here, she and Malik had a dangerous relationship. They hated each other more than they could breathe, and it led to the boys playing their games, or pranks, on Vera. Those games were nearly lethal. Unfortunately, it was Malik who fucked up, letting out an old witch from the mausoleum, who, in turn, was possessed by a demon. She latched onto Malik, and things only grew crazier from there.

It took the priest, the school, nuns, all of us, and Malik’s father’s life for Malik to be saved. Whatever prayer the priest did, it allowed the witch to settle for the first time in over forty years. The demon was banished back to the underground, and since then…

Castle Pointe has been quieter than it’s been in my entire life.

It’s still dark, eerie, and ominous. That much has stayed the same. I’d never go wandering by myself into the woods at night, but I do go about my day, not feeling like spirits are attempting to latch onto me at every turn.

Most people don’t know this small town has been overrun with the dead since it became Castle Pointe. There’s so much history in this sleepy town, so many uncovered memories that we don’t know about. It’s been buried over time, and the originals of Castle Pointe have made it all but disappear.

But I come from a family of Wiccans, and though even my family doesn’t tell me thetruehistory of Castle Pointe, I’ve heard the murmurs, the whispers of the evil that’s dwelled on the land for decades. Only, it’s like Voldemort, not a word to be spoken or they fear a curse will strike them in the back of the head.

I mean, it’sCastle Pointe. It wouldn’t be totally out of the question, but just talking about the history of this place shouldn’t be such ahush-hushsituation. But it is, and since we dealt with the whole demon-witch debacle last year, I can honestly say the dead can stay buried, and I’d be totally fine with it.

I haven’t practiced magic since everything went down. I put that part of my life behind me. Every time I ever practice, darkness clutches me in its grip, and I know if I were to keep using, I’d only hurt more people. So, I set it aside, boxed it up, and decided I just want to live a normal life. As normal as anyone can in Castle Pointe.

Flicking on my blinker, I turn onto the back road that leads us to the abandoned house. Tall pine trees surround each side of the road, dark as the black tar and high as the clouds. The scent of pine is a welcome one, along with the freshwater from Superior. It’s a scent I never grow tired of.