She tilts her head up, her bare shoulder gleaming. The daylight is almost gone, and the moon begins to make an appearance. It’s red. It’s been red since the night they burnt the school down. I don’t know what it means, but it leaves a sinking feeling in my chest. “It’s our only option.”

“I’ll go,” Vera says. Malik starts to protest, and Vera gives him a look. “This was my idea. I’m helping.”

“I will, too,” Blaire adds softly.

Piper looks worried, her face turning pale. “Okay.” She nods. “Okay.”

I glance over at Malik, who looks like he wants to argue with them and punish them at the same time. I stare at him, agreeing with him. It’s an idiotic plan. Going to the unknown side of Castle Pointe is foolish. There’s a reason the only thing connecting the two sides is a rickety old bridge that Vera almost died on last year.

It’s an unknown, and the unknown in Castle Pointe is never good.

“We aren’t going today.” I glance up toward the sky, looking at the moon. “Not at night. We’ll go tomorrow, in the daylight.”

Atticus and Levi nod.

“Good idea, Felix. Let’s meet at the abandoned house tomorrow morning and we’ll go over there together. If shit goes south, we’re out, and we aren’t going back,” Malik orders us all, grabbing onto Vera. “Let’s go home. I’m tired of being at this fucking place.”

Hazel nods, walking over to the book. She bends down, setting the picture against the ripped page, her hands shaky as she closes the book over it. As she stands back up, she treats her hands as if they’ve been tainted, a worried look in her eyes as she turns toward us.

Together, we walk out of the wreckage and toward our cars. Hazel doesn’t spare me a glance as she gets into hers, talking to Vera from her car window before pulling away. As her car rolls past me, her eyes fall to mine, and I give her a devilish smile.

See you soon, little witch.

She drives away at the same time a shadow falls in front of me. I look down, seeing Vera standing there, her arms crossed over her chest. “You look like you’re up to no good. I’ve seen that look in your eyes before.”

“You’ve seen nothing,” I sneer.

She lifts her hand, her pointer finger jabbing me in my sternum. Her punk rock clothes that she’s always worn make her look even more bitchy than usual. “Yes. I have. It wasn’t even that long ago when I was a victim of your pranks. If I find out you’ve done something to hurt her, I swear to God, Felix.I’ll kill you.”

Her body is snapped back as Malik grabs onto her, hauling her to his body. “Get in the car,” he growls.

She scowls at him but listens, giving me one last glower before spinning around and hopping into his car.

Malik waits until her door is shut before he turns to me. “You’re planning something,” he says with narrowed eyes as he folds his arms across his chest.

I shrug.

“Don’t,” he snaps. “Go find another victim and leave her alone. It’s Vera’s friend, Felix. Shit, you find someone else, and I’ll go with you.”

I clap his shoulder. “I’m not doing shit, Malik. I’ll see you tomorrow.”

As I turn away from him, he grabs me at the last moment, hauling me toward him until he’s next to my ear. “You’re my cousin, and I’ve known you my entire life. I know when you’ve got shit stirring in that head of yours. If you fuck with her, you better make sure she keeps her mouth shut, because if Vera finds out, I’m knocking you on your ass.”

I rip out of his hold, giving him an empty stare. “You could try.”

I don’t spend another second near him, my black heart pounding against my rib cage as I make my way to my car.


Yeah, we’re cousins, and I never found out about that tidbit of information until this last year.

The famous witch of Castle Pointe is our great-grandmother. She had a daughter, who had four sons, which are our fathers. I can’t be certain why they kept that information from us, and I’ve been too angry to figure it out.

Malik’s father is dead, and since he passed away, the rest of the fathers seem to have disappeared, handing over more and more of the business to us while they deal with international dealings. I don’t question it, because the reality is, our fathers are all pieces of shit, and we’re better off without them.

What I do know is, my best friends have always been my cousins, and the truth of my past has been a secret from me my entire life.

I grind my teeth as I make my way to my car, slipping onto the cool leather seat and slamming my door closed.