And now we’re here, where no one has set foot in decades. This grass is more lush, the trees taller and the sky darker. The air is less windy on this side of town, instead feeling eerily still… and it tastes a little more like death. A bitter, earthly flavor that sticks to your tongue.

Another shiver rolls through me, and I wish for a moment I wouldn’t have worn a black jean skirt and a t-shirt and instead would’ve worn leggings and a hoodie or something. I wasn’t thinking clearly this morning.

It’s always cold in Castle Pointe, yet there’s something more chilling on this side of town.

“Let’s get moving,” Felix says, impatience in his tone.

“It feels weird over here,” Blaire whispers, running her hands up and down her arms as we step away from the bridge.

“That’s because it is.” I nod toward the sky. “It’s midday, yet it almost looks like nighttime over here.” Not only that, but I swear I can hear the whispers of screams in the distance.

Something isn’t right here, and whatever we’re about to experience is going to be terrifying, I can feel it in my bones.

“Can’t you do some kind of spell on us, little witch? Like protect us, or arm us with weapons or something?” Atticus asks as he digs into his pocket, pulling out a joint.

I roll my eyes. “Actually, Atticus, I’m not a magician, though even if I were, a gun or knife isn’t going to protect you from a spirit.”

“So how do we defend ourselves if we’re attacked?” Levi snaps, not necessarily angry with me, but probably with all of us for getting him into this situation.

“We watch our backs,” is all I can think of to say. I don’t know how to protect my friends, and though I brought crystals, I don’t believe my positive energy alone would be able to protect us from what lies ahead.

We step forward, into the dense woods, where the air grows heavier with each breath. A chill breaks out on my arms, and I step closer to Blaire and Piper as twigs break under my boot.

“It feels weird over here,” Levi mumbles.

We walk around the thick trunks and fallen branches as we make our way uphill. I squint through the darkness, feeling the ambiance of death cloaking me from every direction. It feels like we’re being followed, and I’m starting to believe we really are.

I glance over my shoulder, my eyes widening when I spot a dark figure, covered in gray, standing beside a broken tree, split right down the middle. My body freezes, and I stop in my tracks. My hand reaches out, and I grab onto the first person I can reach, feeling the heavy body of Atticus fall into my side.

“What the fuck, witchy?” he growls, ripping his arm from my hold.

I narrow my eyes, but I don’t turn to look at him. My gaze falls to the ground beneath the figure, and I see bare feet burrowed into the earth. But as I focus on what I’m actually seeing, I realize… they are bones.

“What—” Atticus begins, his voice edging on irritation when he freezes beside me. “What the fuck is that?”

“You see it too?” I whisper, my nails digging into his arms.

“What the fuck are you guys doing?” Felix barks from a few yards up the hill.

The figure grows larger, widening in girth before its mouth opens, only a shadow, but it grows to around a foot in length, a long, void space that looks like it’ll suck us into its depths.

Suddenly, the most horrifying, deathly scream barrels from its mouth, sinking into my skin and freezing me in place. I feel like if I even breathe, I’ll shatter.

I let out a gasp, and someone screams behind me. Arms wrap around my waist, and I’m shoved up the hill.

“Run, run, run!” Felix blares in my ear, shoving me and pulling me at the same time, and I feel like I’m tripping over myself, branches like fingers as they catch onto my feet drag me toward the earth.

“Run! Oh my God, what is that?” Vera screams.

“It’s like a fucking ghost or something!” Piper screeches.

My throat burns as I pant, and I’m an idiot, because I glance over my shoulder, looking behind me, and there’s not just the one, or two…

There’s an entire herd of them, and they’re gaining on us. Quickly.

“Run faster! Run faster! They’re coming!” My scream rips from my throat.

Felix looks over his shoulder, his eyes widening when he sees what I saw.