“If you want a drink, little witch, come and grab one yourself.” He tilts his head toward the table with the red Solo cups sitting on top, and we end up in a stare-off, waiting for each other to make the next move.

I bite my tongue, letting out a sigh as I step toward the table. Bending down, I grab a cup, filling it halfway, not wanting to get wasted, but it’ll be enough where I can stop thinking about the asshole sitting behind me.

Standing back up, I spin around, nearly bumping chests with Felix. He towers over me, the scent of pine and smoke and rainwater swirling into my nose, and I squeeze the cup until I hear the plastic crack. Felix reaches forward, easily plucking the cup from my grip. Then he tips it back, swallowing the entire contents before he hands it back to me, a vicious smirk on his face. His plush lips are wet from the liquor, and he looks positively venomous right now, as if one strike at him would be deadly.

“Thanks for the drink, baby.”

I shove the cup forward, letting the plastic smash against his chest as I step toward him, ready to slap the extremely sexy, malicious smirk from his face, when a heavy arm comes between us, putting a hand on each of our chests. Levi pushes gently. “I’m not dealing with this shit tonight. Fuck or shut up, but there’s no fighting. Not tonight.” He glances at Felix. “Games are for another night. Tonight, we’re chilling. No crazy shit, all right?”

Felix is silent, clenching his jaw while he says nothing. I can see the acceptance in his eyes as he looks at his friend.

Piper coughs as she exhales a lungful of smoke. “He’s right, Hazel. No fighting. No games tonight, but tomorrow? Game on.”

Blaire smiles.

A smile lifts my lips too, and I raise my hand, extending it toward Piper. She passes me the blunt and I take a hit, waiting until I feel it in my chest before I pull away, turning back toward Felix. And I exhale, right in his face. His features disappear behind a cloud of smoke before reappearing, cold as ice.

“Yeah, game on,” I say with a smile, this one taunting and just for him.

About an hour later, the door opens, and Vera walks in, Malik right beside her, protective and possessive as always as he hovers around her. Vera’s cheeks are flushed, and Malik’s hair is wild on top of his head. It doesn’t take a scholar to know what the hell they’ve been doing for the past few hours.

“Sorry we’re late,” Vera says, stepping inside.

The rain stopped about an hour ago, and it’s been silent outside ever since. Levi has had constant music playing, and the air in this small house is filled with smoke and smells like booze.

Not to mention, I’m really, really high.

Malik steps around Vera, his hand grazing her arm as he walks up to Felix. They do that weird bro handshake that confuses the hell out of me.

“I was just about to come get you!” I say as I walk toward her for a hug, my cup raised in the air.

Vera smiles as I slam against her, her leather jacket cold against my heated skin.

“Can we party already? You have to catch up, Vera. I’m already halfway drunk,” Blaire says from the couch.

Malik takes the blunt from Levi and narrows his eyes. “We’re here now. Quit bitching.”

I guide Vera over to the couch and sit down on the edge, pulling her down into the center. I pass her a glass, and she takes a small sip.

A shadow falls over me, and I glance up as Felix sits down on the other edge of the couch, barely sparing me a glance.

He’s acting obnoxious once again, and I instantly grow irritated. His scent lingers around me, only adding to my growing frustration. I can’t escape him, and he refuses to leave, always staying just close enough to piss me off. “Do you need something?” I snap, wrinkling my nose, hating that the smell of him is even slightly appealing.

He looks bored and high as he watches me. “Not from you.”

A clanking has us all looking over at Atticus. He stands shirtless and sockless in the middle of the room, his pants hanging low on his hips as he holds a bong in his grip. “Well, who wants to get fucked up?”

Blaire presses against Vera’s legs and shoves herself up. “Uh, I do.”

Atticus smiles brightly as he spins the bong around. He digs his hand into his pocket, pulling out a lighter.

Blaire narrows her eyes at him as she leans over the bong, her mouth going to the top as she watches him.

Atticus chuckles as he sparks the lighter, hovering it over the green in the bowl until it crackles, smoke filling the chamber. Blaire’s eyes immediately widen as Atticus lifts the slider, every bit of smoke flying through the pipe and straight into Blaire’s lungs as she takes a deep breath in.

“Holy shit,” she chokes, stepping back and bending at the waist. A billow of smoke flies from her lips as she coughs, groaning in annoyance as the guys start laughing at her.

“You wanna take a hit?” Atticus leans over, waving the bong toward me.