A shadow steps over me, and I see Malik standing beside me, giving me a look that says so much without saying anything at all. He never has to; the look in his eyes says enough. All four of us could have a conversation without saying a word. That’s how it is between us, and how it’s always been.

It makes so much more sense after the bomb he dropped on us last year. How we’re related. How a witch was our great-grandmother and had borne a daughter who in turn had four sons, and all of them kept a secret from each other. The four sons were brothers, but felt the need to keep it a secret.

Why was our bloodline a secret, though? It makes no sense to me.

Our bond has always been special, but it makes a lot more sense now that we all know the truth. It’s grown stronger over the last year. It’s made us able to grow our fathers’ company into a fortress and expand our wealth. We’ve always been well off, but it’s to a point where the generations of our children and grandchildren will be too, and then some.

“What are you doing, Felix?” Malik snaps under his breath.

“Nothing that you need to worry about.” I glance up ahead, where Vera races to Hazel, Blaire, and Piper. They curl around Hazel, whispering to her as they continue walking down the street. Levi and Atticus step up to the other side of me with cocky looks on their faces.

“You’re about to cause a fucking war, Felix, and I’m not in the mood to break shit up,” Malik growls. He’s angry. I get that. Walking onto a street and seeing his cousins with their fingers shoved into his girl’s best friend’s pussy maybe isn’t the most pleasant sight.

“I’m playing a fucking game, Malik. Just like you did last year, and we never complained. So, let us have our fun, yeah? Don’t fucking worry about it.” I shake off his tension, not at all concerned. Not one fucking bit.

“I’ll fucking worry when Vera’s breathing down my neck with a knife at my throat because you did something to her friend.”

“Leave it alone, Malik. Nothing’s going to happen,” I growl.

Atticus chuckles, and that only seems to piss Malik off. “Something funny, Atticus?”

My eyes whip to Atticus, warning him to not say a word about last night. Yes, it went too far. But also, didn’t go far enough, because as long as she’s got a fighting bone in her body, I haven’t broken her down enough.

I want her weak,for me.

My eyes flit to the girls as they stop up ahead, and I narrow my eyes as we approach them. I can feel from Malik our conversation is not over, but at least for the moment it’s paused.

“What is it?” Malik asks.

Vera lifts her arm, pointing at the end of the road, right around the corner of the buildings. My eyes slightly widen at the sight in front of us.

A massive building stands before us, such a drab gray it looks like the water had washed away any color it might have ever held, so tall and wide it feels as if it takes up the entire road. The bricks are old, chipping away on the edges but still holding the structure together.

The steps are long and wide as they head up to the rounded entrance, and directly above that is a massive sign.

Castle Pointe Insane Asylum.

I lick my lips, not sure what I’m supposed to think of a place like this. Did this town have that many crazies that it needed a building this fucking large to house them all? It seems almost redundant, but honestly, I don’t know nearly as much about this town as I thought I did.

“We have to go inside,” Hazel says quietly.

“Why?” Piper asks, almost in a whine. “Why do we have to go in here? Let’s go back into the dress store, or the fucking post office. But shit, Hazel, why the hell do we need to go inside theinsane asylum?”

“Because…” She lifts her hand, pointing toward a window at the top of the building. Our heads crank back as we look up at the window, seeing a figure, barely distinguishable, floating past the glass. “This is where we will find our clues.”

“So, apparently, haunted shit will lead us to clues. Sounds legit. Also sounds crazy as fuck. I’m going to go with a hardno.” Blaire takes a step back, walking up to Atticus. “Let’s go. I want to get out of here.”

Atticus looks over at me, and I know we aren’t leaving.

As much as I hate the little witch in front of me, the part of my chest that I refuse to acknowledge won’t let her get hurt.

“We’ll go check it out. But no one goes anywhere alone.” I glance back up at the window, seeing it empty.

“This place has a very dark vibe. It doesn’t feel good. Like, worse than the cemetery.” Vera shakes out a chill, running her hands up and down her arms.

It does. I can agree with her on that. It feels like the entire place is captivated by darkness, by an overwhelming death. But the cemetery holds a restless peace, like one small disturbance will cause chaos.

The building in front of me screams pain and suffering. An uneasiness fills the street we sit on, as if all the spirits inside the walls are counting on us to enter those doors. I can feel the eyes of death, of every soul that has died and wept and went through hell and back.