Dr. Doulane

My eyes crack open, and I blink, shooting up in my seat. I’m disoriented, confused about where I am, but the screen of the projector in front of me is bright and blinding as I blink at it, and I remember. I remember everything. From the bridge, to the asylum, to the screams. I remember every second, every moment, every bit of terror that flooded my veins.

Shit, I fell asleep at Felix’s house.

Rubbing my eyes, I see Blaire passed out on the couch up front, her hands resting beneath her head as a makeshift pillow. I glance to the side, seeing Piper sleeping next to Levi, her head resting on his knee. His head is tilted to the ceiling.

I rub my eyes again, not ready to get into that mess.

Looking around again, I don’t see Felix.

Where is he?

My fingers brush over the papers, and the notes I read earlier come back to me.

Agnes Alastair.

Such a dark, disturbed soul. I can’t imagine being in that hospital at that time, experiencing what they experienced. Living through this darkness. Though, with answers come more questions.

Who is Agnes? What is her significance to Castle Pointe? How can she help me? Or how is she hurting me?

I shut the folder, knowing I could go through that thing for an entire year and not get to the bottom of this. Unzipping my backpack, I shove it inside and zip it back up.

Pressing into the seat, I stand up, my back cracking as I shift from side to side. I side-eye the stairs and wonder if I should go snooping for Felix, or if I should stay put and wait for the girls to wake up.

I nibble on my lip, knowing my decision is made before I could even fully think about it.

Leaving my backpack beside the couch, I make my way toward the wide stairs. The carpet is plush, dark, pillow-like underneath my shoes as I make my way up.

My fingers trail over the black railing as I look around, the house quiet, my heavy breaths loud through the silence.

Once I get to the top of the stairs, my hand presses against the cracked open door, listening to it creak as I push it open.

“Felix?” I whisper, stepping onto the main level.

My head swings from left to right, and I don’t see anyone. Only a few lamps light the main level, the rest of the house encased in darkness. I walk to the kitchen, frowning when I see it empty, my glass still in the sink. I take a deep breath as I go toward the living room, not seeing him there, either. A glimmer catches my eye, and I see the large doors that lead to the backyard, the pool glistening against the blood orange moon.

Approaching the door, my hand goes to the knob as I glance outside. It looks so pretty, the trees thick and lush behind the underground hot tub and pool. It’s simple, yet grand. The hot tub has an infinity edge as it pours into the oval-shaped pool beside it.

Opening the door, I step outside, closing it behind me. I shouldn’t explore, not alone, certainly not at night, but the pool looks tempting, and literally no one has them in Castle Pointe, so I’m kind of intrigued.

As I walk around the pool, facing the house, the moon dances on the surface of the water, massive and threatening as it looms over me. I sit down, my fingers going to my boots as I unzip them and pull them off my feet. My socks come next, and then, pointing my feet as if I’m a ballet dancer, I dip my toes into the pool.

A sigh leaves my chest at the warm water as it curls around my toes. Flowing up to my ankles, I kick my feet back and forth, my palms going to the stone patio behind me as I sit and listen to the night.

Silence. Pure silence in the forest behind me. It’s a relief from the noise I heard earlier, from every angle.

My eyes settle closed, and I wish I had a swimsuit so I could sit in the hot tub right now. It sounds absolutely perfect.

A click sounds, and my eyes fly open just as Felix steps outside. My eyes dry up as I stare at him twisting around, closing the door quietly behind him. He’s in nothing but a pair of dark gray sweatpants, his chest cut to perfection, a masterpiece of creamy, rippled skin. His bare feet flex as he walks toward me, and when I see the glistening on his skin, I curl my toes, holding my breath as a rush of heat rolls through my body.

My fingers grip the edge of the pool, digging into the stone as he takes slow steps.

I debate getting out of the pool, standing up so I’m not at such a disadvantage, but I don’t want to look weak, so I stay where I am, tilting my chin up as I narrow my eyes, watching him come closer, ignoring the way my panties grow damp at just his lean physique and harsh glare.

“What are you doing?” I ask him once he’s only a few steps away. I can smell the strong soap and shampoo, and once I see the wet locks on top of his head, I realize he must have just got out of the shower.

He tilts his head to the side. “I should be asking you the same thing. What are you doing out here, slippingyourfeet intomypool?”