Until I can feel a wave ricochet against me, a dark mass swimming toward me.


He looks angry as his body ripples with tension, his muscles flexing as he reaches me, then his hand goes around my throat, and he squeezes tightly. My hand goes to my nose and lips, keeping them closed as he lifts me. I grab onto his shoulder with my free hand, and he tenses as we break the surface. He pushes me back, my shoulders slamming against the wall of the pool. I cough and gasp, his face inches from mine. His lashes are darker, dripping with droplets of water as he stares at me. Dark locks of hair curl over his forehead, water falling from all around him, his skin glistening. Such perfection wrapping an evil package.

“You almost killed me,” I gasp.

He nods, as if that’s true. “I thought we could play a better game.”

I narrow my eyes, still catching my breath. “I don’t want to deal with your pranks right now, Felix. I’m tired,” I pant, my limbs actually thumping in exhaustion.

He watches me blankly. “It’s not an option.”

My fingers curl around his shoulder, my nails piercing his skin. “What if I don’t want to play?”

His teeth are sharp as he smiles at me. “Then I’ll win.”

I push him away, but he only comes closer, pinning me against the wall again. He leans down, his wet lips brushing against the shell of my ear. “I’ll give you a head start. You run. Run as fast as your legs let you. And if I catch you before you hit the water, I can do whatever I want with you. If you make it to the water before I catch you, I’ll let you go home tonight in one piece.”

He leans back, and I stare at him, searching his face, the complete seriousness in his eyes.

“No,” I say simply. “I’m not in the mood.”

His hand snaps up to my throat, and he squeezes tight, swimming backward. I grab onto his arms, but they’re tense, flexing as he pushes me onto my back, my face beginning to be submerged into the water. “Then I hope you find your swimmer legs quickly.”

He pushes me down, and my eyes go underwater, my lips barely able to gasp in the night air.

“Stop!” I scream as pool water seeps past my lips, filling my mouth. “Okay! Okay!”

He pulls me up, and I spit the water from my lips as I glare at him. “I hate you so much.”

His arm slinks around my waist as he hauls me to him, swimming toward the edge of the pool. The night air instantly cools my wet skin, goosebumps popping along the flesh.

Hauling me up, he sets my butt on the edge, slinking between my thighs. His hands go up, cupping each of my knees. Dragging them up, his fingers slip to my inner thighs, falling beneath my skirt. “I’ll give you ten seconds, starting… now.” His fingers brush my panties, and a pant falls from my chest, a shiver rolling down my spine.

“One.” His thumb presses against my clit through my panties.

“Two,” he whispers, his fingers sliding to the edge of my panties, pulling them away.

“Three.” His fingers dip beneath the fabric, brushing against my naked skin.

“Four.” Warm fingers dip between my folds, and I arch into him as a whimper escapes my lips.

I need to run. I need to run.

“Five,” he whispers, and I rip my body away from his, springing to my feet. I don’t spare him a glance as I race across the yard. Straight into the dark trees, I stop once it’s pitch black around me, surrounded by nothing but the silence of the forest.

“Which way is Superior?” I whisper.

I glance left and right, trying to figure out my sense of direction, but I feel so confused.

“Little witch,” he whispers through the trees, his voice so seductive, so fucking sexy yet hauntingly terrifying at the same time.

My spine snaps straight, and my bare feet take off, my skin still damp, cold, my body turned on, and my veins on fire. Wiping the damp hair from my face, I sprint through the woods. I head right, saying a small prayer that I’ll catch up with the shore eventually. I don’t know what he has planned for me, but I don’t know if I’ll survive it. I feel like I’ll never survive Felix.

He breaks me.

I can hear his footsteps as he pounds through the forest behind me, and though he’s fast, I’m light, and I fly through the trees, over the broken-down logs and under the branches. The cool wind in my face and the light fog make visibility difficult, but not impossible.