I would never allow another man to touch her, but I trust them, and this is a game, after all. Seeing how far we can push her limits. Seeing how far into the darkness she’ll go.

My lips brush against the smooth, flushed skin of her jaw as I murmur, “Do you want to know the reason you’re tied up?”

“Because you’re insane?” she whispers.

I puff out a raspy laugh, taking a step back. “Because they might be able to touch you, but I can promise you, baby, the only person you’ll ever be touching is me.”

Her body jerks toward me, as if she wants to get as close to me as she can. She wants me so badly, yet she’ll never admit it.

I take a step back, my eyes falling to Levi’s. He’s watching Hazel with lowered lids, his body coiled tight. He looks so much like Malik, with his messy hair, his dark eyes, his tall, slim build.

“Take her panties off, Levi.” I nod toward Hazel, and he shoves off the hutch he was leaned against, stalking toward her.

She starts to spin around, and I snap, “Hazel.”

Her eyes flash to mine. “Eyes on me, little witch.”

She blows out a shaky breath as Levi stands before her, his hands hovering over her waist. When they settle on her, she shivers, and I can see the goosebumps pop along her flesh, from her thighs up to her chest.

Levi drags his hands to her panties, his fingers curling beneath the waistband, pulling them excruciatingly slowly down her hips and over her thighs. I run my tongue along my teeth as I watch her naked sex come into view. She rubs her thighs together, her toes whitening with the pressure against the floor.

Levi’s hand grazes her ass, running down her thighs before dragging up and around, pausing over her chest.

“Touch her, Levi. Tell me how wet she is.” I take a step back, sitting down on the uncovered chair, sitting on the edge, my body feeling like stone.

I want to fucking pounce, but it’s not time.

His fingers lower again, sliding between her folds, and I can see them instantly glisten with her arousal. Groaning, his eyes close as he stands behind her, his fingers dragging from her clit, circling round and round before he slowly pushes them down, and I watch as he sinks two fingers inside of her.

The joints of her toes crack from pressure, and she lets out a small whimper as her eyes flutter closed.

“Eyes on me, Hazel,” I command, and her eyes fly open, hazy with need, the green turning darker.

“She’s drenched,” Levi grinds out, sliding his fingers in and out of her in a languid, torturous rhythm.

She lets out another whimper, and leans back slightly, her shoulder leaning against Levi’s chest as she succumbs to the pleasure.

“Atticus,” I bark, and he stands up, his one arm in a sling, the other one clenched at his side. “Take her bra off.”

He walks up to her, his free hand shaking his long hair out of his face. His face is calm as he approaches her, and he reaches around her back, flicking, and the bra pops off over her breasts, her restrained hands above her preventing the bra from sliding down her arms.

Atticus’s hand instantly goes to her breast, pinching at her nipple as he circles around her, ending up on the other side of her. He bends down, his lips circling around her nipple as he sucks. Hazel’s eyebrows lower in pleasure, pure need ricocheting across her body.

“Oh,” she moans, her grip tightening around the fabric of the sheet. She pulls on it, raising higher, arching farther into Atticus’s mouth. Her hips circle around as Levi’s fingers speed up, grinding into her cunt, knuckle-deep.

“Keep your eyes on me, baby,” I growl, watching her faded eyes turn back to me again. Her cheeks grow deep red, a glistening sweat slipping around her temples, sticking her hair to her face.

Levi dips down, his mouth going to her neck as he sucks and nips at her skin.

Her whimpers grow louder, nearly pain-filled as they play with her, bringing her to the edge she has no control of.

Levi nips down her skin, ending on her free breast. His mouth clamps down, both of her breasts now tugged on, manipulated by both of them.

Atticus drops his hand, his fingers brushing her thigh before yanking it apart from the other, spreading her legs. Her eyes widen as she becomes more exposed, and Atticus smirks as he drops his hand near Levi’s. “Your cunt is so wet it’s dripping onto my fingers. You like being on display, little witch? Completely helpless?” he murmurs.

“Or maybe she likes being handled by multiple people,” Levi growls. He squats down, his hand slowing down before he pulls his fingers out. He inhales deeply, letting out a groan as he leans forward. Grabbing her thigh, he lifts it over his shoulder, showing off her wetness, Atticus’s fingers buried deep inside of her. Her folds glisten, her clit hard and swollen as it peeks out. Leaning forward, Levi sucks it into his mouth, before he darts his tongue out, licking from the top all the way to Atticus’s fingers.

Hazel’s eyes close as she lets out a cry, her body jolting against Levi. She grinds against his face, and he brings his hand around, gripping her ass as he pins her in place.