Salt will not protect you.

The figure’s arm lifts, and my salt circle breaks, as if someone went up to it and blew it away like a lit candle. I scramble backward, knocking my stones and sage stick aside as my hands plant in the salted circle behind me, scrambling it, breaking it up even further.

The figure moves closer, their shadowed feet stepping on the salt as if it’s absolutely nothing.

Come with us, Hazel.

I have a surprise for you.

You belong here.

There is so much you don’t know.

I’ll tell you everything.

Voices of different tones, both men and women, whisper in my ear. It’s as if the entire room is filled with spirits, cornering me to my spot.

“I don’t want to go anywhere,” I whine, glancing over my shoulder as absolute fear consumes me.

You don’t have a choice.

The dark figure steps forward, its hands raising as I’m lifted off the ground. As my back arches, it feels like my body is being pulled in all different directions. When my mouth opens on a scream, not a sound comes out. My spine feels like it’s about to snap, my insides pushing to my outsides, a searing burn striking across my skin. Tears flood my eyes and roll down my cheeks as I’m elevated higher into the air, and just when the pain becomes too much, the world goes dark.

I shiver as I pace Felix’s room.

He can’t know what I did down there. He would kill me if he thought I did witchy things in his house.

I didn’t try to do anything bad. It was like my soul was telling me to do it.

But if that was my soul, is my soul really as dark as my grandmother believes?

Felix’s door is burst open, and he, Levi, and Atticus come barreling into the room, each of them with bewildered, irritated expressions painted across their faces.

“What?” I snap, feeling disoriented, all over the place. I can’t deal with them right now. Not in the slightest.

“Tell us what happened,” Felix snaps, a look on his face I’ve never seen before.

I shake my head, giving them my back as I walk to the window. I can feel the darkness extending from the trees. It’s growing, whatever evil we let through when we burned down the school. I think once it was released, it went to the old part of Castle Pointe, and it’s spreading, like a disease, covering every tree, every surface, every home. Every person.

There is no time left. We are out of time.

The evil is already here.

My hand goes to my abdomen, angry butterflies flapping against every wall of my stomach, and I let out a wince, pain lancing through my body.

“What?” Felix snaps, walking up to me.

I turn away from him, not wanting his bossiness or his hands on me right now, but he doesn’t care. His fingers grip the hem of his shirt, and he rips it over my hips, exposing my sex. But he doesn’t care as he stares at the four large burn marks on my skin, looking somewhat akin to claw marks.

What the hell?

“Where’d you get this?” His fingers hover over the burn marks, yet he doesn’t touch them. They are angry, reddened marks, the skin puckered and raised above my stomach. My fingers start shaking as I take a step back. Though, Felix is still gripping the shirt, and it stretches out in front of him as he stands there frozen.

“What did you do?” he barks at me, his eyes narrowing. “How did you get outside? What the fuck is going on, Hazel? I’m not playing around anymore.”

“She’s keeping something from us,” Levi mumbles. “I can see it in her witchy eyes.”

“Tell us,” Atticus snaps. “We don’t have all day. Don’t fucking lie, either.”