A massive gate sits at the entrance of the driveway, like a celebrity lives behind the iron rods. Why anyone would want to break into a house like this, I have no idea.

Half of me hates this place, but some weird, warped part of me is intrigued by the mystery.

"Your destination is on your left," says the monotone GPS.

My eyes widen.

The house before me is like every house we've seen so far, combined into one. The house is tall and wide, very castle-esque with its pointed tops and second-level balconies. The bricks are gray, with black vines curling up the left-hand side, like the earth is slowly making its way around the deathly building. There's an archway curving from the house to the garage. A fountain sits in the middle of the circular driveway, unused, unkept. In the center of the fountain is an angel, one wing completely broken off.

And just like the house before, a massive gate, with sharp, bladed points sitting on top of the rods, expands around the front of the house.

This one looks abandoned like the others we’ve passed; except, I know it's not. There's a black Range Rover sitting underneath the archway, in perfect condition, shiny and new.

"This isn't it." I lean forward, my head hanging over the airbag with my jaw slack. "This can't be it. Who the hell are you dating? Mr. fucking Addams from the Addams Family?"

A small chuckle leaves my mom as she slaps the back of her hand on my thigh. "Cut it out. Samuel is a real estate agent. Nothing more."

"Unbelievable," I mumble, leaning back in my seat as my mom parks next to the Rover.

I see the moving company truck up ahead toward the back of the house. The top is opened, and most of the back is already empty.

"Well, let's go check things out." Mom turns off the car, grabbing her purse and opening her door.

A moment later, the front door opens, and a tall man in a pressed suit steps outside. His dark hair is swept to the side as he stands there stiffly with his hands in his pockets. He looks to be in his mid-forties. He's slender, with dark eyes and a strong jaw. Handsome, even if he does look quite a bit older than my mom.

There's something about him, though. A little creepy. Like the darkness of Castle Pointe made its way inside of him.

His face softens, any type of seriousness about him dropping when his eyes land on my mom. "You made it! How was the drive?" His hands slide from his pockets, and he opens them as he walks down his gray steps, heading straight for my mom.

"It was long, but we're here." My mom wraps her arms around him, and he presses his lips to her cheek in a familiar gesture. The entire way they hold each other is familiar, like they've done this many times before. They're comfortable with each other.

It makes me sick.

I turn away, just as his eyes land on mine.

"And you must be Vera. Your mom has told me so much about you." He steps away from my mom, walking toward me with a smile gracing his lips. His face is clean-cut, very sharp and a little intimidating.

"I can't say the same for you," I say as I stand there, my bag slung over my shoulder.

"Vera," my mom chastises.

Samuel lifts an eyebrow, his lips tensing slightly at my words.

"I'm sorry," I apologize.

He smiles again, this time his lips slightly stiff. "Don't be sorry. I understand this is hard for you. But don't worry, I think you'll really enjoy it here."

Um, one, what is that supposed to mean?

Two, I really fucking won’t.

"Thanks," I say with a smile. Fake.So fake.

He slips his hands back into his pockets. "Well, the movers are almost done unloading your things. How about I show you around before you get settled in? I'm sure you're both tired from the drive."

"We are." My mom walks up to Samuel, lacing her fingers with his. I look away, sliding another cigarette from my bag.

My mom's eyes widen, giving me a warning look. I glance away from her as I shove the cigarette back into my bag, not able to handle their intimacy. It feels wrong. It looks wrong.