I nod, sliding my chair back and standing up. I adjust the coat of my suit and give him a nod. "How was your trip?"

"Good, sir." He steps forward, setting a Manila folder down in front of me.

I lean forward, grabbing onto the corner and sliding it off the desk. "Any updates for me?"

He shakes his head. "Not much to tell. She keeps to herself. Has a few friends she hangs out with, but otherwise, it's mainly just school, work, home. Wash, rinse, repeat."

I open the folder, seeing a summary, pictures, and every other piece of information I'd expect. I slap the folder shut. "Anyone I need to be concerned about?"

He cracks a smile. "There was one, but I did as you asked."

That makes my lip curl back into a smile. "What's his name?"

"Trevor Hamilton."

"Tell me." I set the folder back on my desk and grip the back of my chair.

"He went to her work, asked her out on a date." He rubs a hand down his sharp jaw, caught between angry for me and laughing at the situation. "I roughed him up a bit. He won't be messing with her again."

I grunt, sitting back down in my chair. "I hope that was enough."

He huffs. "Trust me, the kid was barely able to walk back to his car."

I nod, appeased at my PI's report. "Thanks, Jordan. That's all."

He nods, slipping his hands into his jeans. "I'll check in again with her next month and be back with another report."

"Sounds good." I give him another nod, and he's off.

With a sigh, I slide my phone from my pocket, unlocking it and pulling up her Instagram.

Fuck, she's beautiful.

Exactly as she left. But not. She's beautiful with a slight tan, her skin lightly bronzed from the sun. But when the darkness fills her as winter hits, and her skin is a light creamy white, she's fucking stunning. The darkness suits her. It doesn't for everyone, but with Vera, this was her element. It took her a while to realize it. Shit, it tookmea while to realize it.

I didn't want her. I didn't even like her. But before I could even breathe, she slithered her way beneath my skin and sunk her fucking soul into my chest. The worst time in my life was also the best time. Time that I can't get back. Moments where I lost myself to a fucking manic demon, and it was a time where I became a different person.

And it wasn't because of the demon.

No, it was allher.

I scroll through the photos of her and her friends. Her by herself, taking selfies. Her with her friends, Leena and Sacha. I know those friends more than Vera does. I've done the most in-depth searches on everyone who has the slightest contact with Vera. I've done heavy research on the movie theater she works at, getting the pervert, who was a little too fucking friendly around the kids, fired.

Anyone who gave me a bad feeling that was associated with Vera was removed from her life, instantly.

Her life this last year hasn't been easy. She went from Castle Pointe to Fargo. From a small apartment to a house that was much similar to her old one. She went back to her old friends, and to an outsider, it almost looks like she slipped right back into her old life. Like she was never here to begin with.

I swipe down, going through her photos of herself. My thumb hovers over her eyes, that have grown dark as days and months have passed.

She's sad.

She's lost.

She's so fucking empty.

I'd hoped she'd forget about me, and I'd wished that she'd be in pain at the same time. I fought with myself over what I really wanted, but at the end of the day, I realized that I knew the endgame. I've always fucking known.

She'll be back.