She doesn't really care, to be honest.

"Vera, are you even listening to me?" My eyes widen. I look up and see I'm standing on the sidewalk in front of the rental car store. I'd completely forgotten about even being on the phone.

I shake my thoughts free. "Look, I have to go. I'm picking up my car and have to be on campus in less than an hour. I'll call you tonight?"

Sacha whines. "Why does this feel like the end of us? For good this time? Like, last time it didn't feel like you were really leaving, and you actually were. This time you say you aren't leaving, and it feels like you are."

I sigh. "I'm not going anywhere. I'll be home in two days, and you guys can hang out in the movie theater for the next week all you damn want."

"You let us do that anyway!" Leena shouts through the phone.

I laugh. "I have to go. I'll call you later!" I hang up to the both of them shouting over one another.

I pocket my phone, heading inside to pick up my rental.

On my way.

The text makes me smile as I curl my sweatshirt further around my shoulders. The breeze is cool this evening, the brisk air from the water strong as it whips my hair around my shoulders.

The day was long, filled with orientations and getting to know people and walking around the entire campus. My legs ache, my brain is overflowing with information, and I'm literally so exhausted I could fall asleep in this chair outside Caribou Coffee.

But I'm excited, because ever since I planned on coming to Duluth, I knew I had to tell someone. Someone who I knew would be as excited as I was.

My fingers tap along my blue-and-white cup, the coffee not doing enough to warm my body. Even in the spring, the chill in the air still gives way to the lingering winter. Small snow piles remain in the corners of the street, barely dripping away under the dim sunlight.

It feels like I sit here for hours, but soon enough three sets of footsteps pound down the sidewalk, and glancing over my shoulder, a wide smile breaks out across my face.

"I still can't fucking believe you're here!" Hazel shrieks, wrapping her arms around the back of my shoulders. I lean into her, smelling the familiar woodsy scent that’s lingered on her from Castle Pointe.

Ugh. It smells like home.

"I missed you guys." My eyes water as I hug Piper and Blaire. They pull out their chairs, the metal feet dragging obnoxiously along the pavement.

"Why aren't you sitting inside? I'm going to freeze my tits off in this weather."

"I like the smell of Superior." I smile, inhaling and watching the water in the distance.

They stop in place, smiling at me in understanding.

"Didn't hear much from you over the past year. How's everything been?" Piper asks.

I shrug. "It is what it is. My mom had a hard time. I got a job. It's been… different."

"Different good or different bad?" Hazel asks.

I chew on my lower lip, the skin breaking beneath my teeth. "Just different."

"You miss it, don't you? Castle Pointe?" Blaire has a knowing look on her face, and a part of me wants to slap it off. But then I just want to cry.

"Why do I miss it, guys? It's crazy to me, but I just can't stop missing it. I miss the trees and the houses and Superior. I miss you guys so damn much." I shake my head. "I don't miss the school. But everything else, I really fucking miss."

Blaire chuckles. "You miss it because it's home, girl."

I let out a groan. "Why would I miss something that holds so many bad memories for me?"

They stare at me.

"Do I really have to spell it out?" Blaire lifts her brows like I'm being dense.