She spits my finger out. "You're disgusting." Her lips scrunch up, and she spits at me, the warm glob hitting my neck and dripping down beneath my shirt. She smiles at me, a venom in her eyes. A warning. A dare.

I press my fingers further into her neck, cutting off her circulation completely. I want to squeeze until her vocal cords disintegrate in my palm. I want to end her life, and I barely even know her.

I shove off the lockers, leaving her slouched against them, chest heaving, cheeks reddened. "And you're a slut begging for some cock with that short skirt of yours. Your best shot at survival is to go back to wherever you came from."

"I hate you," she growls.

I ignore her, walking back to the guys. They watch me, not used to seeing me so aggressive so early on.

They don't realize that she's pressed my buttons. Every single one. They don't know that she's digging underneath my skin.

I need to get rid of her.




My fingers press against my neck, where my skin is hot but my blood runs cold. I'm sure there are red fingerprints.

That asshole. What I wouldn't give to drown him in the toilet, right next to my history book and the bowl full of urine. He's big, though—strong. I can put my fist in his face, maybe even knock out a tooth if I hit him at the right moment.

I left the book in the toilet, right beside the kid with the small dick. He can finish peeing on it, or whatever he wants to do. All I know is that this school sucks, the people suck, my new stepfather and stepbrother, fucking suck.

My hand drops from my neck, and I pull my backpack from my shoulder. Yanking the crumpled-up schedule from my bag, I glance down to figure out my next class.

Great. Science.

I crumple it back up and shove it in my bag, once again walking through the empty hallway as I search for the science room.

This time the door is open, and the teacher is busy doing something at the front of the classroom, so I'm able to sneak in the back and slide into one of the desks. Eyes are still on me, though, watching my every move. I don't pay attention to any of them, keeping my eyes averted to my desk as I pull out my phone.

I don't have service here. I haven't had service since we got into this stupid town.

What's wrong with this place?

The teacher stands up, and luckily, I'm sitting behind some tall guy, so she doesn't notice me as she starts the class.

"Hey," comes a voice from beside me.

I don't look. Don't even act like I can hear where it's coming from as I clutch my phone in a tight grip. I don't want to deal with anyone right now. Not when my blood hums with a murderous rage.

The fucking balls of Malik. He puts his hands on me, thinking he has a power over me. He thinks he's the one in charge? He doesn't know me. He doesn't know what I'm capable of.

Not only that, but he chose to embarrass me in front of his friends. I saw them, the three guys standing behind him who looked like carbon copies of Malik. Their dark hair, their tall forms, the evil emanating off each of them.

Malik is more, though. He's a little taller, a little darker, more ferocious in the way he holds himself. There's a darkness that surrounds the town, but there's this separate… entity that clings to Malik and every single thing he does.

Part of me is drawn to him. To the darkness. My curiosity is boundless, and when it comes to Malik, it's even more so. But the other part of me wants to see him suffer. The boy who is cruel to the core. I can see it in the way he looks at me. He likes to torture. He plays games, and he likes to win.

Unfortunately, I like to win, too. And I don't go down easily without a fight.

I snap out of my thoughts when I hear the same whisper again. "New girl," comes from beside me.

My head lolls to the side. The sole of my boot presses against the metal foot on the desk, and I tap my foot in irritation, making the entire desk shake. It’s a rickety old thing, pencil carvings along the edges. Something that should’ve been burned fifty years ago, but for some reason, they still allow kids to sit on it.

A girl sits at her desk, a bright smile on her face while she stares at me. She has dark hair, with thick bangs cut directly at her eyebrow. She's wearing the same outfit as me, although hers is how it's supposed to be, with the buttons on her shirt done up all the way to her neck, and the skirt underneath her desk brushing her knees.