Her skirt flutters in the breeze, going so high up her fishnet-covered thighs, I swear an inch higher, and I'd be able to see her panties. What does she wear? Granny panties? No, I know for a fact she doesn't. She's the type of girl that'll wear something scandalous. Something that shouldn't be worn by a seventeen-year-old girl. She'll be a bit risky with what she wears underneath her clothes, and I know it, because from the way she stands, and what she has on as she walks past the nuns and the crosses plastered to every wall of this morbid place, she has no fucking innocence in her.

Not one drop.

She sneers at me, and Felix chuckles. "She wants your cock."

I sigh. "I'd rather fuck Sister Mary."

"I'd fuck your sister, Mal. Maybe we could be real brothers someday." Atticus cackles.

A fire ignites in my stomach, and I want nothing more than to run him over with my car right now. Not because I like the bitch, no, but because the thought of her sliming her way into any of my friends makes me want to tear her apart with my bare hands.

"You fuck her and I'm not taking your ass to the doctor when your dick is about to fall off." I don't spare him a glance, keeping my eyes on the witch in front of me. She breaks eye contact, turning around and talking to the three girls in this place that will only cause Vera more trouble.

Those girls are trouble, though they seem to keep their heads down in the school. I know for a fucking fact Vera is trouble. Together, they’ll just corrupt each other completely. Maybe burn the fucking town down.


I slide off the hood of my car, running my hands through my dark hair as I glance up at my friends. "Doesn't matter, anyway. She's not going to be here long enough for any of us to put our dicks in her."

I can still feel her dried-up spit against my chest.

I clench my fists, feeling like the only thing I've been thinking about all day are ways I can get back at her. Ways to punish her. I hate myself for wanting one of them to be bending her over and turning her ass purple.

My dick twitches in my pants, and I sneer at the ground, wishing she would've never shown up in the first place. Why couldn't she have been some innocent girl that prays for good fortune and bathes in holy water? I would've scared that girl away the first night.

This girl. Vera. It's like she wants to play my games. The vibe around her is toxic, and I'm worried I've already become tainted.

My pen digs into my lined paper, and I scribble down a mindless chemistry formula. I'm so tired of school, and at the end of the day, I don't even need to be here. I'm going into business with my father, and you don't need a high school education to become a real estate agent or become a millionaire. But he nails into me time and time again that I need my diploma.

So, here the fuck I sit.

But then, why do I listen to him, anyway? He's a piece of shit in his own way, and I can't wait until he gets too old to run his business. I'll swipe it out from beneath his feet and watch him wither away in a corner as he grows frail and incompetent.

I tap the end of my pen into the paper, my body too big for these small, square desks that have been in this building since before Castle Pointe even existed.

I think before this town was established there were a ton of pilgrims living on the land. Rumors of black magic and witchcraft have been spread for years. I don’t care about a word of it, to be honest. The town is fucked and whether or not there was some evil shit going on hundreds of years ago, it doesn’t change what the town is now.

And now, today? We live among the dead. Except the dead never sleep.

I glance down at my paper, every tap of the pen creating a black dot, smudging the work I’ve only half worked on. I sigh, growing restless as the end of the day grows near. I should've bowed out at lunch like Levi suggested, but after a day or two of not showing up, Father Norris usually calls my father, and then my father feels like being extra fatherly for a few days.

That is until he grows bored and goes back to being disinterested in everything except his company. And I guess now Daphne can be added to the list as well.

My eyes glance up when something catches my attention. Through the glass window I see Vera, with the wooden rectangle dangling in her hand that says ‘bathroom’. That looks like the last thing she needs, though. The overwhelmed look on her face makes me think she’s using it as an excuse to take a breather. Like this day has been the day from hell.

I nearly laugh.

I stand up, ignoring Sister Maxine as I head to the door. She knows not to mess with me. Everyone knows not to mess with me. Any issue and they take it straight up with my dad.

I open the door, feeling everyone's silent eyes on me as I walk into the hall. I pull on the handle, slamming the door shut behind me enough to rattle the glass on the windows.

That'll earn a phone call to my father.

Vera is already gone from the hallway, and I walk quietly, looking down every corner and in every empty room.

She's nowhere.

I stop in front of the girls’ bathroom. It's like my body starts thrumming, a mixture of rage and something else I don't want to examine start pounding beneath my skin.