Ifly down the street, heading toward the pier. The smell of marijuana fills the car, and I look away from the rearview mirror. Away from the girl who looked so fucking torn. So wrecked.

Why? How?

She wanted me to die only hours ago. The look in her eyes the last time I spoke to her was full of malice. She looked almost…beaten, standing there in the empty parking lot.

"Heard she went to The Room of Atonement." Felix coughs, passing the joint off to Atticus.

My entire body freezes, and my foot lifts from the gas. "What?" I growl at him from the front seat. Felix is as serious as me when it comes to shit. He doesn't play around often, unless we're doing one of our pranks.

That, and he knows how fucked up people get in The Room of Atonement. He loosely dated a chick that went in there last year. She thrashed around and fought every step while he was helpless, standing there in the hallway.

He never saw her again.

"Where'd you hear that?" It was a piece of shit thing for me to do, making her fend for herself in the bathroom against the biggest bitches at Castle Pointe Academy, but one more second around her, and I might have really plunged the knife beneath her skin. It felt so good, the sharp blade, the point against her thin, creamy skin. The flutter of her racing heart was erratic, I could see her vein literally pounding from her neck. How easy it would've been to apply only a little bit of pressure, watch the tip sink beneath the softness of her flesh.

"Fiona saw them dragging her down the hall. Said she wasn't even fighting it."

Levi nudges my shoulder, and I lift my hand, grabbing for the joint.

I pinch the joint too hard as I take a hit. I can barely feel the smoke in my lungs. There's something unfamiliar pounding against my chest. Something that shouldn't be there.

Part of me wants to turn around and fucking demand answers from her about what happened. Shout in her face until she tells me every detail she encountered in The Room of Atonement. No one ever knows what exactly happens in there, but we all know it's fucked up. And no one, I mean no one, comes out the same person.

No one.

Instead, my foot presses on the gas, and I continue on my way to the pier. I don't care, and I can't, at the end of the day. Whatever inkling of feelings I have for Vera is fake, like a phantom pain. It's not real, and the hate I have for her supersedes that feeling.

She's just another problem in my life, and I'm ready for her to get out.

"She already looked like she's cracking. Might be an easier game than we thought." Atticus laughs, and I shake my head, passing the joint back off to Felix.

"We should go get her, play some games with her tonight." Levi chuckles.

Atticus leans forward, his hands going to my headrest. He pulls back, and it shakes my entire seat. "Dude, we could dangle her over the edge of the pier. In the middle of the night? She'd piss herself for sure."

I laugh, the thought of watching her scream until her voice is hoarse. Hearing her beg to me, plead for her life. The thought heats my blood, but then her face flashes in my eyes, the pitiful, broken, horrific look painted in her blue eyes.

Something happened.

"I don't know if she'd survive it after tonight. Probably have a heart attack or something hanging from the edge." I shake my head. "Another night."


Levi turns his head, and it feels like slow motion until his eyes land on mine. "Another night?" He barks out a laugh, a sharp, evil sound ripping from his throat. "What the fuck is that?"

I clench my fingers on the steering wheel, hearing my knuckles pop from the force. "I'm drawing it out a bit. I want her to suffer." I bend my neck to the side, showing him the small circular burn on the side of my neck. "She'll fucking get it. But it's going to be on my time. Not anyone else's. Got that?"

His eyes widen. "She did that?"

I nod, turning right onto the pier. "Yeah. But right now, I'm done talking about my bitch of a sister." I see Thea standing there, her legs crossed as she sits on top of her black Grand Cherokee. The side of her thigh is on display, her skirt pushed so high I can see the side of her ass. A couple of the other guys take note of it too, staring too long, double-glancing her way.

I shake my head, disgusted.

I press on the brakes, the hood of my car only inches from Thea's knees. She gives me a sly smirk, not thinking I'd hit her on purpose.

She knows nothing about me.

The guys hop out, and Felix gives me a look over his shoulder. "You coming?"