I nod, thinking about how they brought me to the woods. How terrified I was and thought it was the end for me. Then there’s the shower last night…

How he stared at my body. How he looked like he wanted to do things to me, things that a stepbrother and stepsister shouldn't be doing with each other.

Although, can we even be considered that?

I can barely consider us acquaintances. More like… enemies. Rivals.

"What did he say? Did he give you an explanation for dipping out on you like that yesterday?"

I shrug, pretending to write something down, but I'm just tracing my name, over and over again, until the lines are thick and black and cold. "He's an asshole. That's all there is to it. You know him better than I do."

She chuckles under her breath. "None of us know him. We all just assume the worst. I don't even know if the rumors are true."

This time, I do look over at her, interest piqued. "What rumors?"

Her skin pales a few shades, like she's said too much.

"Tell me," I urge.

She looks around and sees everyone engrossed in their work. At least, they're doing a good job of acting like they are.

"Malik and his friends… they prank people."

I clench the edge of my assignment in my fingers, hearing the crunch of paper in my fist. Of course, they do, I was a fucking animal to them last night as they prowled toward me in the woods. A sick game they play, and not one I plan to play again. "Sounds juvenile."

She shakes her head. "Not when people die. They're sadistic is what they are, Vera."

My eyes widen. "They've killed people?"

She nods, only slightly. "From what I've heard? Yes, they have. More than once. Like… a lot, actually."

I shiver, knowing his hands have been on my skin. On my naked body. That I trust myself alone with him. It makes so much sense, though. Like the final piece of the puzzle. His personality is so disassociated sometimes. Like a legitimate psychopath. He makes little comments to me, too.

I swallow, feeling like there's a lump in the back of my throat.

"I think he's playing his game… with me," I whisper.

Her fingers go around the edge of her desk, gripping it tightly. "How do you know?"

"I just do. I can feel it." I should tell her everything from last night. I should tell her how they shoved a sock in my mouth and brought me to the middle of the woods. I should tell her how absolutely frightened I was all alone.

Sister Marjorie clears her throat from up at the front, and I slap my palm against the crumpled paper, getting back to work.

"Come over tonight. I've got an idea," Hazel whispers.

I shake my head. I don't know if I should, or if I even could. I should go home, stay close to my mom. If Malik is planning something again, that means I'm not safe. That means none of us are safe.

"You have to. This isn't an option. If he's planning something, we have to act fast. I'll take you home after."

My eyes lift to the front of the room, and I see Sister Marjorie lifting her ruler from her desk. I nod at Hazel, ever so slightly. Then turning away from Hazel, I get back to work.

The old bell dongs loudly, echoing in my chest. I grab my things, slipping them under my arm as I stand up.

“I’ll meet you outside for lunch, okay? Just wait for me out front."

I nod, watching as she rushes from the classroom.

Most of the other students are gone, and Sister Marjorie stands at the front of the room, watching my every move. Her veil makes her face nearly impossible to see. A chill breaks out along my spine, and I glance over my shoulder, expecting to see someone, although there’s no one there.