She asked for it.

I lift my toe, pressing down on the tip of her shoe. "Be careful what you say, or your jaw may dislocate from the rest of your face."

Her eyes widen a moment before she scowls at me. "Are you threatening me?" She tears her shoe from beneath mine, taking a step back. "You fucking bitch. You're just asking for it, aren't you?"

I smile wide, showing all my teeth. "Of course not." I drop my smile, stepping forward until my shoulder slams against hers. "Now get the fuck out of my face."

She pushes against me. "Stay away from Malik and we won't have any problems."

I laugh. "Okay."

She frowns. "I'm serious. He's mine, and he's not going to want to go for someone like you, anyway. But don't get any ideas. Don't even fucking think about it. I'll know if you do. I’ll know if you even talk to him. He doesn't exist in your world, got it?"

My hand raises, and I press it against her buttoned breasts, giving her a light shove. "Got it."

Her friends come up behind her, whispering in her ear. She narrows her eyes at me. "Stay away from me, slut."

I let out a laugh, giving her a salute with my two fingers. "Aye, aye, Captain." Dumbass. Watch me catch her out of here, I'll toss her flimsy ass into the water.

She walks away, shaking her hips like she owns the school.

"Hey," I bark out, forgetting one question.

She freezes, her body straightening up as she and her two friends look over their shoulder.

"What," she spits.

"I didn't catch your name." I smile. It's fake. She knows it, too. She can feel the hatred seeping from me. It's a slow leak, but only because we're in school. The moment we're out, I'll turn it on full blast, and she knows this. She knows I'll demolish her, and that's probably why I see the inkling of fear in her eyes. She tries to hide it, but I see it.

Plain as day.


"If I ever see your ugly face out of this cement tomb, I’ll rip the skin from your bones. I don’t fuck around, and I don’t take threats lightly. So, I hope you confront me in your shitty flats outside of this school so we can see who really wears the fuckingbootsin these halls.”

Even with five pounds of makeup on her face I watch the color drain, leaving her a pale shade of ghostly white. I want to laugh at her fear, but instead I give her a small smirk. “See you around,Thea." I turn back to my locker, listening as the shoes squeak across the floors of everyone making their way to class. Sticking my head into the darkness of my locker, I breathe out my anger and breathe in the smell of old metal.

Once the hallway is silent, I grab my next book, shoving it under my arm. My hand goes to the door, ready to shut it, when a body pushes against me. If I could fit, I'd be shoved into my locker, but instead, I'm shoved up against it, as cold, hard muscle molds against my back.

"Tell me, baby sister, why can't I get the vision of your wet cunt out of my head?" His long fingers curl around my thigh, trailing up until they're around the side of my ass. My eyes widen, and I look over my shoulder, expecting to see a crowd of people staring at us.

Except there's no one.

Wait, what?

I attempt to wiggle out of his hold, but he's strong as he pins me up against the hollow doors.

"Get off of me," I growl.

"Make me," he whispers in my ear, his hand sliding between my legs, pressing against my wet heat. I grind my teeth together, hating and loving his aggressive fingers. I want to tilt my head back against his shoulder, moaning out my pleasure. I haven't touched myself since my mom told me we were moving, and I now realize how coiled tight my body is.

But I hate the man giving me the pleasure, and that only makes it worse.

Or… better?

"I hate you. Get away from me," I whisper, feeling my folds drench his strong fingers.

He does nothing besides move his fingers around, not any type of movement to actually get me off. And it's like he knows this, torturing me, turning me into a puppet that only he can control.