It feels like hours, although I know it's only seconds, before my body pieces itself back together. I look up, feeling flushed, my skin damp and my face reddening, my consciousness finally hitting me.

What the hell did I just do?

Malik stands there, his face blank, emotionless, maybe slightly bored. His hand extends, palm up, as he watches me.

I'm confused for a second, unsure of what he wants. Then my eyes widen, and I glance down at the wet metal still plunged between my legs.

I slide it out, the cold metal now hot and wet. I think about wiping it off, maybe grabbing some toilet paper to clean the mess I made. But with clarity comes emotions, and I realize how much I hate him. My foot drops from the toilet paper holder, and I take a step forward, dropping his knife into his palm. I watch as it rolls slightly, leaving a wet streak along his skin.

He curls his fingers around the knife, closing his hand. His nostrils flare, as if the scent of my arousal finally hit him.

I stand before him, waiting for something. For him to speak to me, maybe, or yell at me like he always does. Put me down, degrade me. He's so good at all of it, yet all he does it watch me.

Suddenly, his eyes flash, and he spins around, stomping from the bathroom without another glance in my direction. The bathroom door slams, and I jump back, the feeling of ice dripping down my back cooling me to the bone.

What the fuck just happened?

My legs feel boneless, and the rest of my body feels electrocuted. My head feels like it is filled with helium, like I'm high.

I right my clothes, walking out of the stall just as the door bursts open again. Sister Mabel walks in. Her face screams apprehension, like she already assumed I'd be in here smoking or something. When she sees me only standing there, she halts in her step, confusion lacing her eyes.

"You've been quite a while. Is everything okay?"

I swallow. I just fucked myself in front of my stepbrother. "I'm fine. Cramps." The lie flows from my lips freely.

A sympathetic look crosses her features. "Very well. Please hurry and get back to class, Vera."

I nod, spinning around and heading toward the sink. I turn it on, finally letting my shoulders drop once I hear the door close.

Holy shit.



Arain drop hits my fingertip, followed by another. I look through my windshield, seeing the dark, swirling clouds moving through the sky. Rain begins to slap on the glass, big, heavy drops that pound quickly. I knew it was going to rain. Not even by the heavy clouds, but that humid, wet smell of an incoming storm.

I ash my cigarette, bringing my hand in from my window just as the heavy dong of the bell rings, alerting the end of school.

I've been sitting here for the last hour, watching the sky darken at the same rate as my thoughts.

I can't get her out of my head.

Scratch that. I can get her out of my head. She's meaningless. It's her cunt, dripping, peachy pink, and swollen as my knife plunged through her folds. I slip my hand in my pocket, grabbing my knife that's unfortunately now dried. I bring it up to my nose, inhaling her sweet scent.

She's unbelievable. A siren. A damnwitch.

My blood screamed that I should have wrung her neck until her skin turned purple. My dick sat rock-hard as I listened to the sound of her plunging my metal knife inside her dripping cunt.

My head tilts back on my leather seat, and I close my eyes, wanting so badly for her to disappear from this earth so that I don't have to spare another moment of my life thinking about her. But I know that won't happen.

I tilt my head up when I hear the front door of the school open, and a flock of black uniforms rush out, their backpacks pushed over their heads to shield themselves from the rain. They sprint to their cars, not spending their usual after-school hour of chatting by their vehicles.

I watch as the guys walk out, slowly, unconcerned of getting drenched. It rains here. A lot. If it's not raining, it's snowing. It's never sunny, it's never bright. There's never the feeling of the sun beating down on your face, warming your skin and giving you a golden tan.

The guys notice me sitting in my car, and each one of their faces scrunch up in confusion. I roll down my driver-side window as they walk up to the car. "What the hell are you doing?" Levi shouts over the rain.

I take a drag, exhaling the smoke out of my nose. It trails toward my lap in two thick streams. "Waiting."