She cringes. "If you aren't at school tomorrow morning, we'll ditch and come over to make sure you're okay."

I nod, pulling my blankets up to my neck. "I'll see you tomorrow."

They walk out, leaving me alone once again. The moment I hear the front door close, the creaking in the ceiling starts up once more. I grab my earbuds, shoving them back into my ears, turning the music up to max volume. Pulling the covers over my head, I cloak myself in darkness as I fall back into a dreamless sleep.

My eyes shoot open, my unease strong enough to rouse me from a deep sleep. The stuffy air beneath my covers is unbearable. I have goosebumps along my arms, and my body stiffens as I pull the covers over my head. Pressing the button on my phone, I glance around as everything goes silent.

Nothing. No noise.

So, why do I feel so uneasy?

I exhale a shaky breath, the air in the room so cold, I can see it. I almost don't believe it's there. I let out another heavy breath just to see if it’s true, and I once again see the puff of air in front of me.

Why the hell is it so cold in here?

I check my window to see if it’s open, but it’s not.

It’s closed.

A soft sound hits my ears, and I glance at my nightstand, seeing the water in my glass shaking.

I stare at it.

It moves, ever so slightly. Like someone bumped the glass.

I shift away from the nightstand.

It moves toward the edge, just a hair.

It feels like I watch in slow motion as it lifts in the air, levitating for a moment before flinging across the room. The glass crashes against the wall, shards of sharp glass splitting into pieces, and my water, tainted brown from my cigarette, drips down the wall in slow rivers.

My entire chest, all the way down to my toes, shakes. I feel paralyzed, unable to move. Unable to run. Tremors take over my entire body, and a wicked burn shoots up my back. The only thing I'm able to do is open my mouth, andscream.



An absolutely horrified shriek reaches my ears, and I shoot out of bed.

What the fuck?

I've barely just gotten home, avoiding this place and Vera like the fucking plague. Coming home late and leaving early. I'd only just gotten to sleep.

What the hell is happening?

I burst into the hall, running down the hallway and into Vera's room.

Her body lies ramrod straight on her bed, her face tensed in pain and her eyes frozen in terror.

"What the fuck is going on?" I roar.

Walking into her room, I see a glass in small shards scattered across the ground, water puddled against the wall.

Did she throw it herself? Is she having a fucking mental breakdown?

"Vera!" I bark at her, but she doesn't stop screaming. Her back arches, like there's a fire beneath her spine.

I walk up to her, whip the covers off her body, and place my hands on her shoulders, shaking the ever-loving shit out of her. "Vera! Shut the fuck up and tell me what's going on!"