"Miss Lowell. Vera! Stop, right this second!"

I put my hand up. "I'm sorry, I have to go to class!" I pick up my speed, racing down the hall and ignoring Sister Marjorie's calls for me to stop.

I don't care if she comes after me.

All I want is to get away from Malik. I don't know what he's doing to me. His touch and his voice are controlling, like there's something in him that can bend me to his will. That isn't me. I've never been like that. But he is able to do it with such ease.

I hate him so much.

But this weird, small part of me, is starting to enjoy his touch, too.

And that cannoteverfucking happen.

"Girl, what the fuck happened to you?" Piper slams into me after class, her fingers clutching my wrist and pulling me away from the hallway, straight into the girls’ bathroom.

"What are you talking about?" I frown at her.

"Uh, Malik? He fucking ambushed you and threw you against a locker? People fled like someone had a bomb. What happened?"

Blaire and Hazel rush in at the next second, their eyes wide and concerned. "Dude, I heard Malik pinned you against a locker?" Hazel screams, looking at me from head to toe.

I shake my head. "It wasn't anything new."

"What kind of balls does he have to do that in school? You guys should have seen it. Felix, Atticus, and Levi were all there, looking happy as hell while Malik slammed her against a locker. It was fucked. Up." Piper shakes her head, shocked.

Don't they know Malik? This doesn't seem like anything out of the ordinary for him. He's hostile, violent. He and his friends are aggressive and being a bully to another student seems like something they'd do on the daily.

Blaire slices her hand through the air. "Okay, enough of Malik. He's a fucking dick, but that's not what's important. What happened yesterday after we left? Did you experience anything else?"

I nod. "Yeah."

I don't really want to talk about it. But I know they'll force it out of me.

"What happened?" Blaire asks, her eyes wide.

I close my eyes, thinking of the terror and paralysis rolling through my body as my bed rocked and shook like an earthquake was rolling beneath the earth. The way my back burned like flames were eating away at my skin.

I turn around, lifting the back of my shirt and showing them the lower half. The scratches still hurt as I walk, but they're healing. The shower this morning was epically painful, even a drop of water on the wounds was excruciating.

They all gasp, and I can feel the fear rolling off them.

"I-I've brought some shit in my car. I think we need to skip lunch and go take care of this," Hazel says.

I turn around, seeing the horror on her face. "Take care ofwhat?" I ask.

She shakes her head. "Something has latched to you, Vera. You need a protection spell, stat."

I chill breaks out along my spine. "Latched on to me?"

She nods. "Yes. Let's go. Now."

Her hand snaps out, cinching around my wrist, and she pulls me out of the bathroom. Hazel and Piper follow behind me, sticking close. We walk through the halls, the girls creating some kind of barrier around me. I know they are trying to avoid another confrontation with Malik and his friends.

I don't see them anywhere, but that's difficult with the girls surrounding me. Their shoes pound into the ground simultaneously. Like the beat to a drum. Hazel's dark hair swishes from side to side in front of me, and I stare at it like a grandfather clock.

Her urgency makes my ears swoosh, and I feel uneasy at how intense this shit is becoming. Why does she think I'm in trouble? What could possibly happen to me? It feels like a dream. Like the moment I stepped into this town, I've been in a coma.

I just want to wake the hell up.