Opening the door, I slip through, not even closing it behind me.

Why the fuck did Vera stay with me?

I stumble through the house, my eyesight fading in and out. My hand presses against a wall, and I right myself, shaking my head to clear the fog. I feel like I'm on a bad trip, or I have a wicked hangover or something. I don't know, maybe I am sick.

I head for the main floor bathroom, nearly falling to my knees. My fingers grip the granite sink in front of me as I take in my expression.

I look terrible.

My skin is sickly pale. Dark, purplish bags stretch underneath my eyes that look like I was socked in the face. My eyes are bloodshot, red spider-like lines splintering across the whites of my eyes.

I don't understand. What happened?

The light starts buzzing above me, and I glance up, squinting against the glow that seems to be growing brighter by the second. I lift my hand and shield my eyes, the humming and brightness becoming so much it's painful.


The bulb shatters, the small pieces falling around my shoulders.

"Fuck." I brush off my shoulders and dig my hand into my pocket to grab my phone. Flipping on the flashlight, I point it toward the light and mirror.

"Holy fuck!" I dip out of the bathroom, whipping my shirt off my shoulders and feeling around my back as I fly down the hall.

An oversized black mass was curled around my shoulder, with red eyes glaring me in the face. Antlers you'd see on a deer extended from its head. It smiled at me, it's razor-sharp, elongated teeth only inches from my skin. They were brown and thin and looked fucking hideous.

I shiver, slapping at my shoulders.

But nothing's there.

I stop, looking behind me. It didn’t follow me, whatever it was. Was I imagining it? Maybe Vera slipped me something when I wasn’t looking. It wouldn’t surprise me. She’s such a damn menace, her trying to one-up me wouldn’t be a shock. Turning back toward the bathroom, my feet are hesitant and light against the floor as I walk through the doorway.

"What the hell?" I let out a gasp, hesitantly stepping back into the bathroom. My heart pounds in my chest, and I lift the light to the mirror, expecting to see the shadow again.


"What was that noise?" Vera's soft voice comes from the kitchen.

I jump, growling under my breath as I step out of the bathroom. "What the fuck is going on? What did you do to me?"

She rears back, shock and anger lining her eyes. "What did I do?" She waves her hand down her shirt. "You're the one that ripped my shirt."

Her shirt covers her breasts, but the scar is clear between the gap of fabric. She notices where I'm staring and glances up at me, scowling as she folds the fabric over her skin to conceal herself. "What are you looking at?"

"I'm wondering how you ended up convincing me to fuck you. What'd you do? Did you fucking drug me?"

She frowns. "Are you fucking kidding? No, I didn’t drug you, you bastard!” Her shouts are furious, her face red, and honestly, a bit hurt. “You don't remember what happened?"

I shrug, not sure how much I should be telling her.

She narrows her eyes. "You're the one that came onto me, asshole."

Really? "Unlikely." I chuckle.

I watch as red-hot rage fills her neck and reaches her ears. "Ugh! I hate you so fucking much, Malik! Why do you have to be such a damn dick all the time?" She spins around, stomping out of the kitchen and toward the stairs.

I take a step forward, reaching out and wrapping my fingers around her wrist. "Wait."

She doesn't look at me. "What do you want?"