Page 48 of Monstrous Lies

“I’m going to lose you, Aria, I know it. I’m going to have to watch you walk back through that wall to your people, and part of me knows that when you do, it will be the last time. I don’t think you will come back.”

“Then why try?” I beg, trying to understand. I turn in his arms, letting his tail and legs wrap around me so I’m pinned. He rolls me beneath him, caging me in with his arms until we are in our own little world. “Why fight for this? Why tell me I’m your mate?”

“Because no matter how scared you are and how much you think you belong back there, I know that’s not true. I knew it the first moment I laid eyes on you. I see the way you look at my people, at the city…at me. You watch us with wonder, not fear or hatred. You belong here, Aria, with me. I’ll keep fighting until my claws hit that wall behind you. I’ll fight, even when you won’t because you’re too scared to admit what you want. I know what you worry about, I see it in your eyes—”

“We barely know each other—”

“We know the important things. We can learn everything else over time. My people know their mate, their soul, when their eyes meet.” His hand comes to my chest, pressing against my racing heart. “I know your soul, Aria, and it belongs with mine.” He grips my hand and presses it against his. “And you cannot tell me you didn’t feel a pull to me, that you didn’t feel this connection between us that only grows stronger the more we are together.” Leaning down, he brushes his lips over my forehead, down my eyes, and to my lips, where he whispers against them. “That is what being a mate means, Aria. That is why I fight, because letting you go would mean destroying myself. I cannot live without you, I do not want to, not when I’ve had a taste of heaven in your arms. I understand the emptiness of those who have lost their mates now, because if I lost you, Aria, it would leave nothing but an empty husk behind. My heart and soul would go with you. Always.”

“You don’t play fair,” I whisper when he kisses me.

“When it comes to you? Never.”

Sucking in a desperate breath, I close my eyes against the determination in his gaze as he consumes my whole world. Kissing my lips, he holds me against his chest and rolls so I’m sprawled out across him. I just think through his words, understanding what he wants but unable to give it to him.

“But I’m human,” I finally say, and he rumbles with laughter below me, making me jiggle on his chest.

“Maybe on the outside, but you have the heart of a monster—strong, sure, loyal, and fearless,” he promises, gripping my ass hard. His fingers dig in almost painfully as he pulls me closer and farther up his body until I rest on his very prominent erection, but he ignores it, so I do too. Desire still pulses through me from the touch, from the pure need I feel for this monster, despite my worries and turbulent emotions. “Besides, after everything you have seen here, you know you can’t trust them. They have betrayed and abandoned you. There is nothing for you back over that wall, Aria, so please stay.” I lift my head and meet his hopeful eyes. “Stay with me and be mine.”

Swallowing, I lie back down, unsure what to say. I don’t want to promise him things I still don’t know or understand myself because I don’t know if I can.

I don’t know if I can stay despite it all.

Can I?

* * *

I only manage to sleep for an hour before I get up. Akuji watches me sadly, looking so forlorn and hopeful that I turn away. He takes me to eat with his people, and we are both quiet, just soaking in the chatter and laughter around us. Our relationship is strained and tense, and that’s my fault.

A monster plops down next to me, a female. She nudges me with a grin. “You’re scrawny but strong for a human.”

“Thanks, I think?” I grin, unable to help it. The wide, unchecked smile she gives me is almost infectious.

“You should train with us sometime. I’ll help you learn to kick these males’ asses.” She flexes her impressive muscles.

“I’d love that.” I hold out my hand. She looks down at it before knocking it away and gripping me in a tight hug that steals the air from my lungs.

“You are family, little human, and family embraces.” She shrugs and grins at Akuji. “Reigner.”

“What’s your name?” I ask as she stands.

Still smiling at me, she tilts her chin in what I have noticed is a respectful greeting between them. “Brielle, but they call me Sunshine around here.”

“I can see why. It’s nice to meet you, Sunny.”

Her eyes widen before she drops to her knees. I panic and glance at Akuji, who looks shocked. “You have given me a great gift of friendship by offering me a nickname,” she murmurs as she stares at me. “I will not forget that, human.” She kisses my hand and stands, wearing a bigger smile on her face as she hurries away to another table, where she instantly launches into a loud description of our interaction. I see the men and women listening intently before looking at me with nothing but respect and slight interest.

I look back at Akuji, who smiles before taking my hand. “My people love you.”

“But why? Don’t they think I’m weak? That I’m the enemy?” I frown.

“They love you because they see the way I care for you and how you care for me and my people. They notice how you stand with us against your own race, and how you stood by my side at the meeting. They love you because they see into your warrior soul, mate.”

“Because they love and respect you,” I murmur.

“They are my people, my family. We have been together through it all, and it bonds you in a way you cannot even believe.” He looks around, his eyes soft and loving. “I would do anything for them.”

“And they you,” I reply.