Page 55 of Monstrous Lies

Stepping up, I tilt my chin back and smile at him. “Thank you, Roroak,” I say softly before looking over the gathered faces. “I understand your anger, your pain.”

“Sure,” someone scoffs, but I ignore it.

“Humans have done nothing but hurt you, so why would you ever help us?” Some share looks, but I surge forward. “I’m not asking as a human, I’m asking as a friend. I’m asking as someone who cares for your reigner, who loves your city as much as you and detests them and what they did to you. As someone…as someone who was hurt by the humans too.”

Akuji steps up behind me and places his hand on my shoulder to show his support, and it works. It gives me the confidence to keep speaking, to lay myself bare. If that’s what it takes to earn their trust, their help, then I will give it to them.

I will cut myself open and expose all the ugly parts so they can see that my pain matches their own.

“I was nothing to them, a nuisance, something they never wanted and hated. I was poor. I grew up cold, hungry, and alone. I had no family, no shelter. I was forgotten and left to survive for myself on ruined streets just beyond these walls. I was so close, I could reach out and touch the scarred cement. I was used by them and hurt by them. I went to bed scared to sleep in case they came for me in the dark. I did whatever it took to survive. I changed myself, hardened myself. I never let anyone close. My body still bears the scars of their mistreatment. I will never know the true horror and agony your people have suffered, nor will I be able to change what my people did to you, but you are not alone. The humans out there? They aren’t all bad, most are like me, like us, just trying to survive. Maybe that’s why I was always drawn back here, because pain calls to pain. You were hurt, forgotten, and abused by the humans, and so was I. We are more alike than you think.”

I look up at Akuji then. “I found safety over the wall. I found beauty and happiness here. I saw the love and brilliance of your people, and it felt like home. I felt…safe here, with what they call monsters.” Swallowing, I look at Cato. “I know Talia felt the same way. She is one of us, and she was willing to risk everything she had worked so hard for, including her own life, to protect your people so you could never be hurt by the humans again. But she isn’t a warrior like you, and they will hurt her the same way they hurt you. I can’t let that happen. She is… She’s my friend. The only one I have.”

“Not the only one.” Sunny steps forward.

“You have us,” Roroak declares.

Tears fill my eyes as I smile. “Thank you,” I tell them, bowing in reverence. “I-I’m asking for your help. I understand if you cannot offer it. I understand you have been burned by the humans and that this isn’t your fight, but I’m asking nonetheless because I cannot do this alone. I’m willing to risk my life for her, for my friend, but I won’t ask you to do the same. I’m asking you, though, to risk it for your people and your future. Without Talia, the humans will come back, and they will take what they want from you. Our future hangs in the balance, and you cannot stay hidden forever. It is time the humans remember what they created,whothey created. It’s time we showed them the true power of the monster.”

A chorus of roars goes up, and I look up at Akuji. “Is that good?” I ask.

He grips my chin, tilting my head further back until it borders on painful. “It’s very good, mate,” he rumbles. “You are one of us, you are mine,” he says in deference to my words before he kisses me hard, decimating me before his people.

He claims every inch of my soul and heart until I know it’s true.

I’ve been trying to fight it, but I can’t anymore… Mate.

Is this what this is?

This feeling? I always look to him, lean into him, and worry for him. I crave his touches, laughter, and smiles. I would do anything to stay at his side and make him happy. I’ve never felt love before, but if this is anything other than that, I don’t want it. I want this. I want him.

I want to be his mate.

When he pulls back, the love in his eyes matches mine.

“We are with you!” someone calls.

“What’s the plan?”

Akuji’s hand slides down my throat as I look back at his people. “How do you feel about being a distraction and causing chaos?” I ask them.

“That we can do!” Someone laughs, making me grin.

“Good!” I explain what I need then, and when they are all sure about their roles, they hurry off.

I look at Cato and grin. “Let’s get our Talia back.”

* * *

Akuji isn’t happy with my plan, but he has no choice and he trusts me. He and Cato follow me as we hurry through the streets. Sunrise is in a few hours, and I need to do this before then so the other tribe members can be the distraction I need. Chaos is the aim of the game. We are going to stretch them so thin they won’t notice the one thing that’s out of place—me.

As we wait for everyone to get into position, Akuji turns to me. “Are you sure about this? Going through the wall—”

“We have no choice,” I tell him, sensing his fears. I understand them, but we really don’t have any other options. Cato slips away for a moment to give us some privacy, and I smile gratefully at him as Akuji pulls me closer before framing my face as his eyes search mine.

“You won’t walk away from this,” he murmurs.

“If I did, I wouldn’t be the woman you love,” I reply seriously. “She is my friend, Red. I have to go save her.”