Page 70 of Monstrous Lies

“Hey, trust my friend, okay?” I lead him to Cato and look into his eyes. “We are going to get your mummy, but I need you to be still and quiet, all right?”

“Of course.” He nods seriously as Cato hauls them both up.

With a nod at him, I take the safety off the gun and join Akuji in the corridor, standing at his side.

The monster and the human.

We share a look and grin.

“Let’s kill them all.”



We leave Cato in the lab as we face the first surge. We have an advantage though. They are fighting to subdue us, while we are fighting to kill them. The first few go down by my gun, and then Akuji leaps into their masses, tearing through them, spraying their blood across the walls and floor as they scream.

It’s chaos, and I take advantage of it, picking as many off as I can until the gun is empty. Kicking a guard who gets too close, I spin to avoid his hands and snatch his gun before firing a shot into his head.

They are trying to run now, and we chase them into the cells beyond. Every monster is on their feet, their eyes wide and necks craned to watch us. I stop to kick a guard into a glass cell door and blow his head apart, winking at the monster beyond. I turn to see Akuji roaring as five guards try to take him down, hanging from him like ants, but he simply throws them off and looks over to check on me before going back to ripping them apart. He lifts one into the air above his head like he’s a feather, and with a crack, Akuji rips his body in half and throws it away.

I look back to see Cato holding his precious cargo just outside the lab. It’s a mistake. A monster roars in warning, but I’m thrown back into the cell, my head dizzy from the force. I slide down slightly before shaking my head and glaring at the cocky guard.

It’s the commander.

“That was a mistake.” I smirk as I lunge at him, my movements wild and unrestrained like Akuji’s. I pummel him with my fists, over and over, and release my own roar. Something snags my waist, and I don’t even feel the pain in my hands, but there’s blood all over them as I’m pulled back into the air. Akuji is there, ripping the man away before catching me and shoving me behind him as he slashes across the man’s chest, shredding him open.

He checks on me again, and it gives me time to suck in air as I look around at the chaos. More guards are coming, so I quickly drop to my knees and search for more guns. I find them, but they are hidden, obviously not meant to be used unless it’s an emergency. I take two and stand side by side with my monster and fire as we work together to kill every sick bastard who hurt or used them.

And I don’t feel one ounce of guilt.

I keep fighting, even as my body tires. I don’t stop, reminding myself whom I’m fighting for, and suddenly, there are no more guards. It’s quiet, bar my heavy breathing, and even the siren is gone, although the red lights still flash around us. My ears ring, but I keep my fingers tight on the trigger as I scan the ground, which is covered in so many bodies, I cannot even see the floor. I check Akuji for wounds as he does the same to me, and I grin.

“Hit the button over there.” There’s a red emergency button I notice down the way. He leaps over the bodies, landing before it, and hits it, instantly opening the cells. The glass is gone and the cages are open. I step back in case they attack me. After all, I’m human, but instead, they just stare at me and Akuji with awe in their eyes.

“It’s time to go home,” I tell them. “You might have to fight. Are you with us?”

“Until the end,” the female shouts, and then there’s a squeal.


“Kid!” Cato shouts, but it’s too late. The kid wiggles free and races towards us. I watch, open-mouthed, as he throws himself at the woman. She swings him around, crying as she holds him. They both talk, laugh, and cry.

“Mummy, Mummy, the human saved me,” he tells her as he pulls back.

The woman holds him close, her eyes going to me. “Thank you. Thank you,” she repeats, her eyes filled with tears as she falls to her knees. “I owe you my life, thank you.”

“You owe me nothing.” I stride closer to her and offer her my hand. “Now let’s get you both home, shall we?”

She gazes up at me with something akin to worship on her face, which makes me uncomfortable. She takes my hand, and I grunt as I try to help her up, but she gets to her feet and then I look back at Akuji. “Ready?”

He strides over to me and kisses me swiftly. “Let’s go home, mate.”

* * *

Akuji leads us carefully through the building. We know they won’t let us go and that they will fight to keep us here. The humans are capable of anything, so we keep our eyes peeled. Cato is at the back, with Talia and the kid in the middle. The other monsters are ready to fight, their eyes flashing red, but I don’t fear them.

I fear what we might find.