Page 80 of Monstrous Lies

They are my friends, my family.

I’m thankful. For an orphan without a family, they are something I didn’t even know I needed.

At the wall, I place the rock in the pile and lean into Akuji’s side, looking up at the scarred cement and pondering everything it represents.

The humans built it to keep the monsters in, but instead, we use it to defend our people. It’s a symbol of hope and strength.

Of unity.

“Reigner, Versalis!” a voice calls, and we turn to see a messenger sliding to a stop before us.

“What is it?” I demand, instantly on alert.

“It’s the human, Talia, she says she’s found something.”

Akuji and I share a look, knowing what this means. It’s the beginning of the end for the humans, but who will be left standing when the dust settles?

Us, I know that for sure.

Me and my mate.


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