Ava turned toward him. “Thank you for the walk home.”

“Can I see you again?”

“I don’t even know if I’m going to remember this conversation, Smokey. It was nice to meet you.” She held her hand out and he frowned.

Taking hers within his own, he shook her hand. She smiled at him. Her eyes were a beautiful, bright green. Her lips begged to be kissed.

He was never the kind of man to let an opportunity pass him by. Pulling her close, he gripped the back of her head and slammed his lips down on hers. She gasped, parting for him, and he plundered inside.

She moaned as he deepened the kiss.

Running his hand down her back, he cupped her generous ass. He knew it would be the perfect fit for him. Her body was made for him and him alone, and damn it, he wanted to fuck her, hard. To consume every single part of her.

This went against everything he stood for. Smokey stepped back. “Good night,” he said.

Her lips were swollen, and she didn’t say a word. She turned on her heel and walked up to her home. He saw her hand raise to her lips as she fit the key into her lock. After she looked back one last time, she was inside her house.

He waited until he heard the locks click into place, which they did.

Spinning on his heel, he saw Hunter waiting for him.

“We were going to the bar for me? Why is it you got the pussy, as did Brick and Kinky?”

“You’re becoming way too picky.”

“Oh, bite me. You know as well as I do you took the best fucking pickings.” Hunter looked back at the house. “You willing to share?”

“Hell the fuck no.”

He’d shared women with Hunter in the past, but with Ava, he didn’t even want to consider it.

“Whatever. One hot woman and you won’t even share. When did you get so spoiled?”

He chuckled. “I guess having a club work their asses off for me.”

Hunter rolled his eyes. “Who is she?”

The kiss had been good for two things. One, he got to feel those plump lips on his, which was more than fine by him. He wanted to kiss her a hell of a lot more. Two, distracted from the kiss, she’d forgotten all about her purse.

A gentleman wouldn’t look inside. But Ava wouldn’t tell him her full name.

Walking beside Hunter, he opened the purse and flicked it open.

Hunter had his cell phone out with the flashlight.

Ava Sinclaire. Well, he was going to get to know everything there was to know about this woman.

“Club pussy or just some fun?” Hunter asked.

“Time will tell.”

Pocketing her purse, he listened to Hunter bitch and moan all the way back to Ryan’s Place.

Several of the cars had already disappeared from the parking lot. The club’s presence had a tendency to do just that. They had the power to send people running. Load of pussies.

Entering the bar, he saw Ryan cleaning a couple of glasses.


He was the only person she remembered from last night. She didn’t know if their conversation actually happened, or if she made it up, which fucking sucked.

She handed out fresh cream cakes, lemon pies, and cookies. Her gingerbread men were pretty special, and kids loved them.

Decorating was something she’d been learning for many years. All those hours of being stuck home alone, waiting for her ex to arrive, she’d taken all that time to learn how to bake and decorate cakes.

A couple of builders from the local construction yard came in for their sandwiches. She was a bakery that offered sweet and savory treats. With the breakfast wave over, she leaned back as the oven pinged to let her know the fresh batch of cookies was done. It always surprised her how much sweet stuff she sold in a morning.