Smokey crawled out and was sure to grab her bag as he did.

After following his guys to the truck, he climbed in the back and moved Hunter out of the way, who’d been talking to Ava, trying to soothe her.

He cupped her face. “I’m right here, Ava. I’m right here.” He took her hand as the car started.

“You came for me,” she said. “I knew you would.”

“Of course, I did. I wouldn’t leave you. I will always come for you. You know that.”

She nodded. “I do. It hurts.”

“We’re getting you to the hospital, okay? The doctor will fix everything.”

“I don’t want to lose this baby.”

“We won’t.” He put his hand gently to her stomach, not sure if he was hurting her or not.

“I really want to be a mother.”

“And you will be. I’m not going to lose either of you.” He pressed his face against hers, rubbing his cheek on hers, trying to do anything to give her the warmth she needed. The cold was starting to affect him. “I love you both, Ava.”

She began to cry, and he held her.

“Nothing will happen. I’ve got you. I will always get you.”

She gripped his arm. Her hold was tight, and he did nothing more than wrap her in his arms, keeping her safe and exactly where she was meant to be.

Chapter Nineteen

“I’m not sick,” Ava said two days later.

She still lay in a hospital bed, wearing a gown with machines hooked up to her. It had been touch-and-go for a short time. The cold had affected her and they needed to warm her up. Also, her baby was being observed every single day.

“I know,” Smokey said.

He changed the flowers that had begun to wilt in her room.

Not once had he left her side.

“Have you gone home once?”


“Why not?” she asked.

Smokey tossed the wilted flowers into the trash can and then turned toward her. “Simple, I wasn’t going to leave you alone. I held you, Ava. You were sobbing. Brokenhearted. You thought you were losing our baby. You weren’t. Our baby is just fine.” He put his hand on her stomach and she covered his with hers.

“I’m so glad. And you found me.”

“I wasn’t going to give up. When Harlow told me, I never felt fear like it. With what I’ve seen and done, you wouldn’t look at me for the monster I’ve been, Ava. Knowing you were out there and that you could die, I felt real fear. I never want to experience it again.”

“You can’t be in the room when I give birth,” Ava said. “It’s just as scary. Men have passed out.”

“I’m going to be here.”

“You are?”


“Like, in the room?”


“I find that hard to believe.”

Harlow pulled back and Ava drew her attention to the woman, who was crying.

“Please, don’t cry.”

“I should have made you come home with me.”

“No. I wouldn’t have accepted. This isn’t your fault. Don’t blame yourself. The doctors have already said I’m doing fine. I’m healthy. The baby is healthy.”

“But you’re still here.”