“She’s not coming here willingly,” Ugly Beast said.

“Didn’t you see the look on her face?” Smokey asked. “The engagement party, even with all those pretentious fuckers with their noses in the air, looking down on us, she was happy we turned up. You’re not the least bit curious about that?”

“They don’t like her.” He’d heard that in the women. They were spiteful bitches, and he’d had about enough of them.

Abriana … he couldn’t even have a solid thought when it came to her.

She was always so calm, so collected, and yet, the mask she wore was false. She was afraid.

“You know they’re going to demand you fuck her tonight,” Smokey said.


“Got a call from Vigo. The brothers are staying at his home tonight. All of us. You have to fuck her, prove her virginity, and show the bloody sheets for all the family to see.”

Ugly Beast clenched his jaw.

“And people think we’re fucking disgusting.”

“Why me?” Ugly Beast asked.


“You heard me. Why me?”

“It could have been anyone, Ugly. You offered yourself first.” Smokey folded his arms, watching him.

“And I know you, Prez. When you want something, you make sure you get it. Regardless of me putting myself forward like that, if it’s not what you wanted, you’d move me aside, and use a brother you want. You had every intention of getting a marriage deal out of Garofalo. I want to know why?”

Smokey smiled. “I got to tell you all my reasons.”

“As your Sergeant at Arms, I need to be prepared for everything. To protect you and the club, I need to make sure I’m ready for whatever you think is going to happen.”

“This is why I picked you, Ugly.”

“My dashing good looks.”

“No. You really are fucking ugly. I feel for Abriana, but then she’s as plain as they come. I figured a chick like that would be grateful to have any husband. What I want is for you to find out all of their secrets. They’ve got them, and you need to find them.”

“Abriana won’t tell me their secrets, Smokey. She has to become loyal to our club and rid herself of nineteen years of training to keep her mouth shut.”

“Ugly, I didn’t say this is going to be overnight.” Smokey slapped a hand down on his shoulder with a smile. “You’ve got to charm her.”

“I don’t charm women.”

“You will this one. You see, while Garofalo thinks I’m pissing in the wind and not taking this serious, I learn a lot by being in his territory. Seeing how he works. The women, they are nothing but pawns to them. Get the right girl, dangle the right kind of life in front of her, and you’re in.”

“You think Abriana is the right kind of woman?”

“I think she’s exactly who we need to find out their secrets. You also get to have a good fuck out of it. I don’t see where the problem is.”

He made his way outside, heading toward his bike.

One look at his baby, and he gritted his teeth. White streamers with beer cans attached to them were on the back of his bike.

“Who touched my fucking bike?” he asked, staring at a few of the brothers who were all laughing.

“We were going to drip blood on them, but decided that was too scary, even for your wife.” Hunter was laughing as he came toward him.

He slammed his fist into Hunter’s face, and the other brother took the pain and still continued to laugh.