“Since you turn down every Tom, Dick, and Harry that comes over and tries to take you out, you’ll have to forgive my surprise,” Ashley says, not lowering her voice in the least.

“You’re reading way too much into me waving at someone I know, don’t you think?” I say, trying to put a lid on the fact that I’m crushing on the same guy I’ve been crazy about since I was in high school.

I manage to get Ashley talking about something else, but I take every opportunity I can get to sneak another peek at Patton. He looks angry, but even angry he is sexy. His arms are so muscular and big they seem to be straining the sleeves of the lab coat he’s wearing.

Even when he’s pressing his lips together, he’s still got a sexy lower lip that’s full and soft. I can almost feel it against my own, urging my lips apart like he’d done when I’d kissed him after graduation.

“…even listening to me? I feel like I’m just talking to myself,” Ashley complains, getting my attention again.

“I’m listening. I’m just thinking, that’s all.”

“Thinking about how sexy Dr. Hottie is,” Ashley laughs.


Dr. Perry leaves the table, and Dr. Jones gets up from his spot to sit next to me. “I think you’ve got that angle. She waved to you; she never does that,” he says. “If you’re not going to ask her out, you could at least introduce me, right?”

I shake my head. “No.”

Dr. Jones glares at me. “You know what? That’s fine because I got a patient today that needs to be referred to a case worker. I’ll just go introduce myself. I don’t need your help getting laid,” Dr. Jones says with a laugh.

I know it isn’t my business or my right to interfere, so I force myself to remain seated as Dr. Jones gets up and starts toward Cora.

“That guy is so lucky with the ladies,” Dr. Underwood starts complaining to one of the other doctors. “He’s had at least three different girlfriends this year, not counting the fiancée.”

The other doctor doesn’t seem interested to hear what Dr. Underwood has to say, so he turns his attention back to me. “The things he gets them to do is insane. One time he showed me this picture of… Hey, where are you going?”

I didn’t realize I was up out of my seat until I heard Dr. Underwood calling after me. I don’t have to wonder where my feet are taking me because stopping Dr. Jones is all I can think about. I won’t let him reach Cora... not without a warning first. I may be a doctor in a hospital, but I still am and always will be a protector.

Dr. Jones is just about to stop at Cora’s table when I catch up with him, pushing him to continue walking. “Dr. Jones, you aren’t going to pursue Cora. She’s off limits.”

“What? You’re crazy. I’ll ask out whoever the hell I want to ask out,” Dr. Jones says.

I force him to take the next corner with me so we are out of eyeshot of the courtyard. “You’ll stay away from her, Jones, or your body will end up with the John Does in the morgue. She’s the little sister of my late best friend who died in the service, and there isn’t anything I wouldn’t do to protect her. Am I making myself clear?”

Dr. Jones nods so fast his teeth knock together.


I let him go and watch as he walks in the opposite direction of Cora. I don’t let out the breath I’m holding until he’s out of sight. I can feel Cora’s eyes on me; I can literally feel her watching me, but I don’t turn around because right now, I’m so close to letting my anger take over, I don’t want her to see me like this. Rage is a dangerous thing, and just the thought of another man touching her makes my blood boil. I stalk off, leaving my uneaten lunch on the table in the courtyard.

I return to my office and work the rest of the afternoon with back-to-back appointments. I’m just now walking out of my office when I’m surprised to find one of my patients waiting by the front door close to quitting time. “Can I help you, Mr. Nelson?”

“The case worker you referred me to handed me off to this other case worker, and I’ve got a session scheduled for tomorrow, but I really wanted to meet her so I stopped by and learned she’s not in this afternoon.”

I nod. “I’m aware of the switch. I’m sure she’ll make the appointment with you tomorrow if she hasn’t already contacted you to reschedule,” I assure him.

Mr. Nelson frowns at me as he rolls his wheelchair closer to me. “I wish I could feel as confident of that as you seem to feel. When the receptionist told me she wasn’t in, it didn’t surprise her at all that she wasn’t in the office. I’ve got a family, and I need to be doing my best to get my head on right for them. I need someone I can count on.”