And then Kael appears in front of me. Or his spirit does anyway since I'm still very attached to his body.

"Cora, no! You can't baby girl, let go please." His heartfelt entreaty is about the only thing I would let go for. Reluctantly, I pull back and immediately slump over his chest, exhausted from whatever it is I did. The strong, steady thump of his heart helps ground me, but…

"Am I delirious? Or am I really talking to your ghost?" Kael laughs, that deep, from the belly, laugh. It's really him.

"I'm not a ghost, Cora, promise. Not yet anyway." His smile dissolves into sorrow. "You can't bring me back darlin', it's not what's supposed to happen." I snort at that comment.

"Like hell it isn't. You think I give two shits about what's 'supposed' to happen?" My incredulity has him shaking his beautiful head at me.

"My body isn't strong enough, not with the drain on it every day. If you hadn't been here today I think it would have managed to completely take over this time." He gazes wistfully at his body.

"This time? Kael how long have you been in here?" Betrayal colors my tone, loud and clear. Has he been watching me and not even trying to tell me?

"Baby, there's so much you don't understand." My eyes narrow on him, some of my energy coming back.

"Let me guess, you can't tell me?" He nods and I want to shriek. "Fine, then I'll just see about waking you up."

I make a move to grip his body in my hands and he lunges for me. And wraps around me, in full on contact. I'm not sure which one of us is more surprised, but I don't waste a second and kiss the daylights out of him, pushing my energy into him without trying.

Kael shimmers and then tries to pull back "None of that now. We need to talk," he says as we come up for air. Well I need air anyway, I'm not positive about Kael's needs.

He steps back, continuing until he's by the window. "We're not supposed to be touching either, I take it?" He shakes his head, lips set in a grim line. "Okay, so what can you tell me? I'm assuming as long as you have energy that that thing can't come back?" He nods, but doesn't elaborate. "I'll figure out a way to make that happen. Are the guys the one causing the drain on you?" Reluctantly he nods again. "Kael you're going to have to help me out here. This is bizarre enough already."

With a sigh he comes to stand near the foot of the bed. "There's so much more going on than I can even attempt to explain, even if I were allowed to. Essentially you have two choices. One I stay like this and can keep my knowledge and help you out, or two— I can wake up, but lose all knowledge and we take our chances that way."

Well that's a lot to go on. Not. "You're going to have to spell it out a bit more, because I think you know how I'd prefer you." That at least gets a small cocksure grin out of him.

"I'd love nothing more, baby girl." The smile fades from eyes. "If I stay like this and guide you when I can, there are repercussions. I can't leave my body unattended for too long no matter what. Waking up isn't going to help you in the long run, I'll be a hindrance in this war."

"War? What the hell, babe? Whose war?"

He shakes his head at me again. "You'll figure that out soon enough. Now, we're on a time limit, one of your group is on his way back. What I can tell you is that there are more players than even they know in this game and you're the lynchpin. When they healed you they somehow tied me to them, but the energy share is only working one way which keeps draining me. And I couldn't come to you before, something has happened to start your awakening, more than just being near your siphons."

"Wait, what? Is that what they are?" He nods and waves for me to continue. "Riggs got hurt yesterday and he wasn't healing. It just kind of came out of me to fix him."

Kael stares pensively at the floor. "That would explain the big pull, then why it stopped. That thing that was in here had been waiting for it's chance, I was hoping I'd get to see you first. But you're gonna have to make a choice darlin'. It's me with you, when I can be, to help. Or with you now, and no help. Regardless, you're going to have to make up with your roommates." He grimaces and I wonder what could be that bad. "You're something special, Cora, but your fight isn't meant to be done alone. Nor can it be. To succeed, you're going to need them all, in all ways." He swallows hard when I shake my head.

"Yes, Cora. I know you've noticed it. I can see you sometimes when I have enough energy. Your spirit is going to call to theirs, it can't help it. And to let you know… one of those things took over Damien. They tried for Jaeger too, but his close proximity to your light kept them at bay. When Damien came into his own he'd been exposed for too long to the dark, through no fault of his own. I'm not condoning what he did," he grimaces again, "and baby girl don't take this the wrong way, but I know you couldn't help yourself either. You weren't meant to. It was just too early, and that mother of yours left you in the dark."

"He didn't give me something?" Kael is shaking his head before I finish. "I can't forgive him, not now. He caused so much…"

"Cora," he steps forward, close enough to touch, and then he threads his fingers in my hair, scalp in soothing circles. "It wasn't his fault, he was trapped in there with it. When it," he pauses eyes wet and shimmering. "He thought getting drunk would stop it. It went ballistic when it found out we were getting married and that's on me. I just wanted you to have someone from your family there." He takes a moment for both of us to gain our composure.

"Anyway, he ditched Jaeger, hoping the alcohol would work, but it didn't, and it got the upper hand. Damien sacrificed himself to save you. You couldn't have helped him without bonding, and you can't bond until you ascend. If you did it while that entity was in control, well that would be bad. When it was too busy trying to fix his body after the wreck he took his chance and split his soul to link the others to you."

"Damien's in them?" I ask in horror. Kael makes a chastising grunt at me with his lips pursed.

"Cora, listen. We're running out of time and you still have to make a choice. You'll burn up without them to take the overflow. I can explain everything better later if you choose for me to be your guardian. I know you're confused, I was too, but then I got the chance to see so much. And— and our little one? She's waiting. She…" He shrugs, eyes going unfocused as if he's talking to someone I can't see. It takes a minute, but when he comes back to himself, he's grinning. "Apparently I wasn't supposed to share that, but we know I don't always follow the rules. And that isn't something I'm going to hold back."

I feel like a semi truck of emotions has hit me and then backed up only to do it again. My mind is reeling from everything Kael has said, and all the things he didn't quite spell out. I don't know what to do.

"Cora, I need your answer, one or the other darlin'." I don't understand why I have to choose right now, but Kael is getting nervous. His eyes are tight at the corners and so is his jaw.

"What's going on? Why now? Why can't I think about it?" I want to protest more, but the fear is stark in his blue eyes now.

"Because I wasn't supposed to tell you any of that. Interferes with your free will to tell you what the consequences are." He gives me a facsimile of his usual grin. "If you don't decide now, the decision will be made for you. I didn't know you'd be punished for my part. I'm sorry, baby girl.

There's only one choice. Really it's all there ever was the minute Kael gave me his preference. I do and always will, trust him with everything I am.

"Fine, but don't ask me not to protect your body. I'm quite attached to it and would like you back inside it at some point in the near future." He grins at me, but doesn't quite reassure me, and I wonder what else he's held back. Only time will tell.

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