Page 39 of The Last Daughter

Her daughters dressed Ailsa in a long, green smock with a matching sheer robe. They shoved a hot mug in her hand for her to drink as they braided her hair, their nimble fingers making quick work of the wet strands. The youngest one ran a finger down the slope of her nose, studying the contour of her face.

“So pretty,” she said with a beaming, front toothless smile.

“Sorry,” her mother said. “She’s my inquisitive one, and she has never seen a human before.”

“That’s all right. I’ve never seen a Jotun before.” She tapped the girl's nose with her own finger. Or an elfin, or a god, or a whole sort of other creatures for that matter. “Thank you for everything. I don’t know what would have happened to me if you hadn’t taken us in. I hope we weren’t too much of an inconvenience.”

“It was my pleasure; I rarely get to entertain guests anymore. The winter brings harsh weather to Jotunheim this close to the border. But I’m sure your sweet Dane would like me to return you to him now. He was quite fraught over you both.”


“You and your child.”

Ailsa blinked twice. “Where is this man of mine?”

Because he hadsomuch explaining to do.

* * *

Skiord broughther to a great room that reminded her of the gathering hall of Drakame, though this one was much grander and built from solid stone. The roof was thatched with cedar beams and straw, and the jewel-colored theme marking the territory’s symbol continued to the tapestries and the rugs.

Vali sat at a long table alone, balancing a bare bone between his plate and his finger, when Ailsa and Skiord entered the room. He jerked from the table as she came into view, sending a harsh screech from the bench.

“Ailsa!” He beamed a smile that warmed the coldness leftover from the river. She couldn’t recall what the giantess had called him, though he apparently was going by an alias here. Instead of guessing she used the nickname she unofficially entitled him the first day they met.



His smile wavered as she said it, but he reapplied his mask before Skiord noticed. He took her hand and placed a kiss on the inside of her wrist, making a real show of his affection. Those soft lips lingered over her pulse, tasting the racing beat that only sped faster the longer he saturated her skin. His eyes fluttered shut, as if she tasted of ecstasy and he was relishing her like an after dinner treat. “Thank the Light you are all right. I can’t put into words how relieved I am to see you well. Lady Skiord—”

“I know,” the giantess smiled. “And you are welcome, Dane. But Ailsa needs to rest now so I would recommend bringing her back to your room as soon as she finishes eating. I’ll have a servant come by in the morning to see off your group.” She stepped behind Ailsa and patted the back of her shoulder. “It was lovely meeting you both, and good luck with the rest of your pregnancy. It will be hard, but it is worth every second of suffering.”

Ailsa only flashed her teeth, unable to form a real smile. Not when the queen’s words reminded her of a worthy suffering she would never have. “Thank you, Skiord. I will never forget your kindness.”

The giantess left as Vali led her back to their room. Theirsingleroom.

“They believe we are together, Ailsa. What was I supposed to do, ask for another room? They’d suspect I was lying then.” Vali argued.

As much as she hated the idea of another night of close quarters with him, this time would at least include a real bed. “Fine, but the first time you touch me, you’re sleeping on the floor.”

“You weren’t so offput by my touch last night,” he said smiling.

Ailsa wanted to slap the gratification from his face. “Do not flatter yourself, I was trying to help you.”

His smile only stretched. Golden eyes shifted up and down her figure. “Are you feeling generous again tonight?”

She reached for the nearest couch pillow and flung it at his head. “Keep it up and you will sleep outside in the snow!”

“You’re overreacting.” He yanked his shirt over his head, tossing it over the back of a chair to make himself more comfortable. His belt went next, ripping it from his trousers and allowing them to hang several very agreeable inches lower.Odin’s eye, there were certainly parts of her that were overreacting, but definitely not her logic. The room was suddenly stifling.

Ailsa cleared her throat before speaking. “Oh no, apparently I’mexpecting.” She gestured widely to her hips.

Vali wiped his face with his palms in exasperation, the tips of his ears turning pink. “It was not my plan! Seela was the one who came up with the whole idea.”

Ailsa slumped in a fur-lined chair near the blazing hearth. “I knew it. She hates me.”

This made a sudden laugh spill from behind his lips. “I’m sorry, what did you say?” he asked.