I bit back my retort as he tucked his wings stealthily around our figures and dove, twisting in an exhilarating ride to the floating fortress below us. I knew he was intentionally trying to thrill me, feeling his ego flourish as I shrieked and clung to him tighter. His wings then expanded to their full length to stop our descent as he straightened his body and landed us on our feet. He gently placed my weight on my legs, slowly letting my muscles awaken to their former function.

I stepped out of his arms, a bit too quickly, too eager to take in the sights of the city. But as soon as I turned out of Azriel’s support, my knees buckled from the weight. A stifled grunt escaped my chest as I stumbled and sprawled, reaction time severely delayed in my weakened state. My elbow took the worst blow during the fall, crashing hard against the pavers and sending a scourging bolt of pain up my arm.

I cursed under my breath, cradling my elbow and breathing between gnashed teeth through the hurt, the only feeling more formidable than the shame churning beneath my cheeks. Heat flooded my face at the humiliating fall, and I was grateful we were alone on the landing pad so no one else witnessed my clumsiness.

“Are you all right?” Azriel asked as he knelt beside me, the softness in his voice only stirring my shame deeper. His face and his voice lacked his usual amusement. “You’re paler than normal.”

“Gee, thanks, Az.” I rolled my eyes, the pet name flowing naturally off my tongue. “I’m fine. Only feeling a little lightheaded from the dive of death you just performed.”

He winced, the fleeting expression making his eyes pinch and lips part slightly. “Sorry, I never fly with humans, and I forget how fra…” He paused as I snapped my eyes to his in warning. He retracted. “I forget your limits. Here, let me help you up at least.” He gingerly placed a hand under my shoulder, helping me stand carefully like I was made of glass. This time, he brought my hand to his forearm and covered it with his own to prevent me from pulling away, not like I had any intention of doing so. I borrowed his strength to steady myself. My head felt like it was still soaring somewhere far above us.

“I just need to eat something.” I said, pressing my opposite hand to my forehead to still the world in front of me.

“Right. Are you sure you can walk? I can keep carrying you—”

“Gods above, no!” I gasped. Even through my foggy vision, I noticed Azriel shrink back a little, wings tucked tightly to make himself visibly smaller. Guilt bit my heart. This man had just gone through hours of carrying my dead weight, and I was being unappreciative. Regardless of the fact he only wanted my information, he still was the kindest stranger I’d ever met.

I slid my free hand over his, feeling rude for the reaction I caused. “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to snap at you. I’m hungry, and hunger puts me in a foul mood. I simply don’t want to look like a helpless damsel in distress being carried through a castle by her winged knight in shimmering feathers.”

His brows kissed in plain perplexity. “But I am your knight, and you are my damsel.”

“On second thought, I’ll take my chances with the floor.” I spoke, pulling away from his arm. He yanked me back.

“Oh, lighten up. Figuratively, I mean.”

He escorted me across a landing pad designed specifically for creatures like Azriel and their flights of passage and on towards the end of the stone platform where a stairwell had been carved crudely from the rounded edge. He held me close to his side as we descended, each step demanding more energy than I had available. The muscles in my thighs trembled as I lowered myself gradually, my footing testing and methodical compared to his casual grace. My companion seemed to sense this and lent me his strength as we walked together, slowing his pace and tucking his forearm closer to my side. His wings skimmed my back as we walked, and I realized it was the first time I’d gained a hint of their silken texture.

“Can I ask you a question?” I said.

“I’d be concerned if you didn’t have questions, darling.”

“Is it rude to feel your wings?” I inquired, head swimming in his smoky scent. He pressed his lips in a tight line to conceal a smirk.

“Why do you ask?”

“I want to touch them, but I don’t want to offend you if it’s some kind of taboo for your kind.” My fingers twitched with temptation. They were so close, but I didn’t know him well enough to feel any part of him without permission.

The air stirred behind me and tousled my hair as his wings jerked behind him, stretching higher from the attention. He leaned closer to me, his tall stature requiring him to crouch slightly to speak softly in my ear. “It wouldn’t insult me in the slightest. In fact, I’d consider it a great compliment. But touching my wings is a bit like me asking to touch your breasts. Not offensive, but the act is considered very intimate.”

“Oh.” I replied, feeling my cheeks growing viciously red. He patted my hand gently, noticing my humiliation for the second time tonight.

“Don’t be embarrassed. I’d like to feel your breasts as well.”

“Please, stop talking before you make me pass out.”

“I believe you meanswoon, my damsel.”

I nudged him hard in his ribcage with my elbow, unconcerned if the rouse sent him over the edge of the stairwell. A great smile beamed across his face instead, one I reflected despite my best efforts.

The stairwell led to a landing overlooking an empty courtyard filled with whitewashed statues and a fountain so grand I nearly tripped watching the water arch towards a chiseled marble man resembling my guide. Surrounding the courtyard were three other walls with archways lining the passages they formed, and I peered through each opening to gain a glimpse of anyone who might be wandering behind them. My unofficial knight tugged me along, letting me balk in the glory of his home but not linger long enough to gain the full experience.

“Where is everyone?” I asked, my voice barely above a whisper. The silence surrounding us demanded it.

“Probably sleeping. Just because we’re immortal doesn’t mean we’re indestructible,” he replied. I glanced up sheepishly at my escort, noting the way the torch light lining the grey stone halls deepened the circles under his eyes. It had been a long day—we both needed a good night’s sleep.

“Would you like to me to go wake Loren?” he asked, muffling a yawn behind his other arm.

I shook my head. “No. As much as I’d love to see him, I’d rather it be after a meal, a night’s rest, and maybe a bath, if that’s not too much to ask for?”