He smirked with satisfaction. “Well, I can’t have that on my conscious, now can I?” He lowered me slowly down his waist, rocking his hips so the tip of his shaft teased my entrance and gathered the slick heat waiting for him. His composure shattered, his teeth gnashed back a moan of praise. If he was waiting for a sign I wanted him as much as he wanted me, this was it.

His breathing was unsteady as he inched into me, just a taste, a tease. My fingers slid into his hair, pleading for more, writhing my hips to get him deeper. My desperation set him off, he slammed inside until I was filled with heat, surrounded by his smoky scent, as he buried himself completely. The feeling inside me an unnamed kind of bliss.

“Azriel,” I murmered. I wrapped my heels behind his back. My hips arched, matching his rhythm, every move a reaction to his own. A tremor wracked through my body as he sent me higher. My nails clawed his skin and caught feathers.

“Yes,” he hissed. His bruising hands left my thighs to grab my wrists, pinning them above my head. “Gods, you feel amazing. Like you were made for me, like I was made for you.” I fell back against the wall, looking down to where we connected, where we joined by something so much more than sex. Watching me enjoy the view, a wicked grin curled on those cocky lips.

For the first time, I didn’t feel claimed or taken, I felt celebrated and beautiful. His gaze, though untamed and unhinged, was not one of dominance or submission. Azriel looked at me as though I were a sunrise after an eternal night, like I was everything he’d ever wanted and so, so much more.

I pushed my hips lower and rolled them, letting him surge inside me as his head fell back and wings spread wide behind him. His mouth uttered intangible words as I rode him, taking control as I shifted up and down his shaft. He leaned against my wrists in support, as if his legs could hardly hold his weight any longer from the strength I was stealing.

“Lay down, Azriel. Let me show you what I was thinking about that night in your bathtub.”

He did as I commanded with little hesitation. I straddled his waist as he relaxed, his neck flexing as he watched my every move. I guided his shaft back to my entrance, which was aching with raw need from teasing so close to the edge. I slammed myself back onto his hardness, now impossibly swollen and thick, each advance sending us closer and closer to a point of no return.

He sat up suddenly, his mouth near my breast, tracing their swells with his breath. Then his tongue joined in the revelry before his teeth bit a sensitive spot, and I nearly shattered with the overwhelming sensations I experienced all at once.

I snapped his head back towards my face with a fistful of hair. We were both so close, and I wanted to see him, watch him as he unfolded inside me. His skin was slick with sweat, and I pumped my hips harder, faster, until he was full of need only moments from being released. It didn’t take much longer until we both broke.

My eyes nearly rolled back into my skull as we came. He shuddered beneath me, releasing a roar that was something between a guttural cry and a growl. I clutched him to my chest as the last waves drowned us into a sea of oblivion, where nothing else mattered besides the man in my arms and how he was mine.

All mine.

“Arya,” he whispered through labored breaths. I combed my fingers through his hair as I caught my own breath. “Amazing. You are amazing in every way.” He pulled me to the side to lie with him, to really look into his eyes and witness the admiration he so unapologetically adorned me with. “I’ve waited so long to find you.”

Something deep within my chest stirred, coming to life as I fell even further for this man. It called out to him, reaching for him in a way I’d never felt my soul yearn for another person before. I didn’t know if soulmates existed, but if someone like Azriel could be real, if I could have something so perfect in a world this dark, then anything was possible.

“And?” I fingered his bottom lip. “Was I worth the wait, darling?”

He closed his eyes and took a steadying breath before pulling me flush against his side. “You were worth every second, my perfect girl.”

His words shredded the tapestry I wore across my skin like an armor, but even this exposed and defenseless, I’d never felt safer.


I awoke hours later,tasting salt.

For a few blissful hours, there was no such thing as soulreapers or dead gods, no eternal night or an army of mutilated soldiers outside the crumbling asylum walls. It was just me and Az, and everything was right in the world. Feathers floated in the air as my movement disturbed their settlement on my skin, and I smiled wistfully, swatting my hand to push them away.

My body was sore following hours of fighting the ruthless waves with a night full of equally unyielding activity. But every protest sent screaming from my muscles, each ache in my joints, only reminded me of the most amazing adventure of my life, and the pain I was burdened with was easy to bear.

I pushed off Azriel’s form, currently in a comatose state on the floor. He stirred slightly as I shifted away, leaving the left side of his body exposed to the damp air.

“One more time?” he groaned, still not opening his eyes.

“No, lovebird, it’s time to go. We’ve stayed here too long as it is.” I sighed, feeling disappointed we had to leave so soon after our night together. Gods only knew the next time we’d get this chance—certainly not at Estelles where the walls were paper thin and Loren was lurking behind every corner. But the queen’s army would be arriving soon, and we needed to get out of here before they caught sight of us in the sea or in the sky. He moaned with displeasure at the news.

“You’re cruel,” he grunted as he sat up, sending a flurry of feathers in his trail. I leaned forward and plucked one out his hair.

“And you’re shedding,” I said, smiling down at his flustered frown. “I’m going to go get dressed, meet me out front when you’re ready.”

Something about the night seemed clearer as I stepped outside the temple. The stars burned brighter, the air was light in my chest, and the great sea beyond us didn’t look as isolating as before. Strange how a perspective can shift from lonely to loved in the arms of one person. Suddenly, everything in the world looked a little different than it had before.

Those same arms wrapped around my waist as I stared into the darkness, pulling me against the hard chest of my winged paramour. The tip of his nose traced my hairline, pushing it to the side to expose the expanse of my neck, and he dipped his head to graze a bounding vein. The blood inside rushed against his lips, meeting his touch with an eager pulse.

“I hope you can fly all the way back, as I’m afraid the dinghy won’t be much help,” I said, soaking in the slight wetness he left on my skin. My eyes scanned the beach, where ruined remains of the boat dispersed across the black sand, riding the incoming tide.

“Aye, it should be easier flying with the wind than against it like before. And my wings are dry enough to carry us across,” he replied in my ear. “I don’t think I’ll ever step foot in a boat again.”