“Why the hell not?

Preacher gritted his teeth. “Do you want to be on my list? I’ve got no problem putting you there.”

“You really are in an awfully shitty mood.”

“Yeah, well, you haven’t been me for the last twenty-four hours. Believe me, if you had, you’d be wanting to fight as well.”

“You do know none of these fights are guaranteed. You could die out there. I can’t stop that.”

“I’m not wanting to party, if that’s what you’re getting at. I want to fight. This isn’t for show. I’ve got to do something, and seeing as my hands are tied right now, this is all I’ve got.”

“Wait. All of this because of the love of a woman?”

“Yeah, speaking of the love of a woman, Robin has her memories back. I’m thinking Sunday, two o’clock for the dinner I promised you. Don’t worry, the other guy claiming to love her is already there. Welcome to my fucked-up life.”

Dog stared at him and suddenly started to smile. “Your life is sounding crazier than I ever imagined. Count me in. I love family drama as much as the next dick. I’ve got to see what all of this is about. If you die today, I will hunt and kill Reaper for you in your place, just so you know.”

“Why?” Preacher asked.

“It’s what friends are for and last time I checked, I’m not in love with this woman who seems to have everyone’s dicks locked up so fucking tight. You know, it’s easier to fuck whores. They know the score. There’s no attachment. They’re there for one simple purpose in life and that’s to take dick however we choose.”

“Said like a man who hasn’t found the right woman. Believe me, when you do, you’ll be surprised at the lengths you’d go to just to be with them.”

“I’m not the one on a suicide mission because of a woman. I’m very much sane, which is a nice feeling. It’s nice not being the crazy one for a change. How about that?”

He didn’t wait around to see what else Dog had to say. He walked right into the thick of the ring and the crowd was told there would be a change of plans.

Preacher watched and waited as he saw his opponent hesitate. He wanted the prick to hesitate, to be nervous. They all should be nervous around him. He was a fucking killer. For too long, he’d been holding back, and he was no longer going to be on a leash. They would get the real monster tonight.

The bell rang and he didn’t bother to do the whole circle and foreplay some fighters seemed desperate to act out. He was more interested in killing.

He slammed his fists against the guy’s stomach, charging at him, pushing him to the edge of the circle, and hitting his face. He took one to the face himself but Preacher didn’t stop. In the back of his mind, all he saw was Reaper. The way he stood holding Bethany as if it made him better because the bastard was able to have a kid with her, and then he heard the distinctive sound of Robin’s screams. Her cries and begging for him to stop her from losing their baby, but he couldn’t help nor could he stop what happened. She lost the baby in his arms, and he had to deal with the anger, the hatred, the loathing all over again. Where Reaper had succeeded, he’d failed big time. Now he had to deal with the consequences of that, and it angered him, frustrated him.

Within a matter of minutes, his opponent was dead. A snap of the neck ended it, and the crowd roared for more. It hadn’t helped him with his thirst, his bloodlust. No, this was just the start.

Preacher wasn’t done and out came the next man. This one was more energetic and he got several punches in. The blows fell off him because they didn’t hurt. It was impossible to hurt him as the pain he already felt was indescribable.

Robin had told him the truth. Expressed her concern about her own feelings. She’d been open and honest with him, which was all he’d asked, but knowing she had feelings for the sick bastard, it … angered him. How could she ever fall for that monster?

He wanted to scream at her.

You’re calling him sick?

What about you?

Didn’t she put up with you because of what you did?

I was drunk.

Yeah, and you liked knowing you knocked her up. Stop being all self-righteous. You’re not the victim here.

His opponent became nothing but a bloody mess as he kept punching his face until nothing was visible and he was dead. Robin, in all things, was the victim and he had to remember that. There was nothing about this that he could blame her for, not really.

Dog organized the next man and of course, it all started again. Preacher was a pro at this kind of fighting. He knew what his body could take and how much strength he needed to land the right punch to get the job done. With each blow, he forced down his opponents, relishing the crunch and destruction of bone. The body was a frail thing. The right knuckle in the right place and it was all over.

And you’re going to ignore it all over again, aren’t you?

Yes, it was a big, fat mistake fucking Robin, or should I say, date rape? You didn’t give her the pills but you certainly didn’t care afterward. You were pissed, but as you started to see her blossom with your kid, you wanted her to be pregnant. You want to own her, to possess her, to keep her as your own. You love that Bishop couldn’t touch her heart.