“I appreciate it. No bloodshed today.”

Preacher wasn’t about to complain about Dog being ready to start an all-out war. There were a couple of people in attendance he wanted to kill and if he blamed Dog, it wasn’t his fault, but temptation aside, it wasn’t going to happen today.

Just as he was about to close the door, another car pulled into the lot. It wasn’t one he recognized, but the moment Robin climbed out, he didn’t need to. She wore a black dress that stopped at the knee and molded to her curves. Anne, the woman she was currently staying with, was next to her.

The moment he realized she was staying with Anne, he intended to make sure his tech man and Billy ran a quick background check on the woman. Her only crime was marrying a man who was a complete and total asshole, and he couldn’t hold that against her. There were a lot of assholes in the world, and many of them hid behind a suit.

“I hope it’s okay that I invited Anne to come and have dinner with us.”

“No problem at all. It seems I have a full house today. Where’s Bethany?” he asked. He’d hoped the child would help him stay on the straight and narrow and not take Dog’s opportunity to kill Reaper, and possibly Bishop.

“Anne knows a good babysitter who’s taking care of Bethany. I didn’t know if you’d want her here.”

“I wouldn’t have minded, but it’s nice to see you. You’re looking amazing, as always.”

“You know how much I love flattery,” she said, smiling.

Preacher took her hands and pulled her in close, kissing her cheek.

Reaper cleared his throat from behind him. Just another irritation to add to the mix.

“Preacher, I don’t think I’ve ever introduced you to Anne. Anne, this is Preacher. He’s the club president of Twisted Monsters MC.”

“I know of you,” Anne said. “Pleasure. It was about time we met.”

“And this is Reaper. He’s Bethany’s father.” Robin hadn’t let go of his hand and Preacher wasn’t about to do so unless she wanted it. Not having her in his bed was sheer torture, especially now, knowing there was a chance she may never be in his bed again. He was already working to find all of Reaper’s dark secrets. With him staying close, it made hunting for all the information he needed a little easier. There had to be a reason Robin was taken, and he felt Reaper was the cause in some way. He had to hope he could win this fight, no matter how many dirty secrets he had to give up in the process.

“I know you,” Anne said. “You came to the library. That’s why I recognize Bethany. It’s not because she looks like you at all, Robin.”

“You went to the library?” Robin asked.

“I knew it was where you worked and I wanted to see you. I was giving up hope of ever having you in my life again.”

“So you’ve been close the entire time I’ve been here?”

“I didn’t want to lose you. I love you, and nothing will change that.”

“I need to go and check on dinner,” Preacher said. All these confessions were not sitting well with him. He needed a break.

“I’ll come with you,” Robin said.

They walked hand-in-hand toward the kitchen. Bear sat at the counter, dipping a fork into the mashed potatoes and eating.

“There better be enough for everyone,” Preacher said.

Robin let go of his hand and he saw her looking at Bear. “I better go and make sure the guests aren’t killing each other.” Bear left the kitchen without another word to his daughter. Preacher gripped his kitchen tongs to flip the meat in the oven.

“I’m sorry about him,” he said.

“It’s fine. I figured it would take a little while for him to come around. I guess I was hoping for too much. You should probably be reacting the same way as him, after everything.”

“It’s not too much. With Reaper and now Dog here, tensions are at a new high. We’re all worried about you and I’m not angry with you, or upset. You have nothing to worry about here.”

“No need to be worried. Most of the time I can take care of myself. At least I like to tell myself that. I’m proving to be a bit of a liar in that department.”

He smiled. “You’re doing fine.”

“Am I? I don’t feel like I am.” She sighed. “Sorry, I don’t mean to put a downer on anything. I promise.” She took a deep breath. “Is there anything you need help with?”