“It is, and every single chance I get, I’m going to make you happy.”

“I like the sound of that.”

He kissed her again, one final time before pulling away. “I’ll call you.”

She nodded and let herself in the house. After closing the door, she leaned against it, her heart racing, her lips swollen, her body on fire.

“I don’t like that man on my doorstep,” Elijah said.

“I’ll talk to Anne.”

“This is my house. I pay all the bills.” She was growing tired of this man. Being with Anne and knowing what a big heart the woman had, it only made her even angrier that this asshole was allowed to do what he wanted.

It had been a long day as well. Talking about the time she was taken, the rape, the pain, it didn’t exactly help her feel content or happy.

“Yes, and I’ve been thinking about that,” Robin said. “You see, before I was kidnapped and didn’t get to graduate, I was, in fact, a very good student. I had to wonder why you would continue to hurt Anne the way you do, and I finally figured it out. It’s not out of some need to be with your wife. The love of her. If you loved her, you wouldn’t screw the women you do, and you certainly wouldn’t treat her like trash. You two married straight out of high school.”

“And your point?” Elijah asked.

“Anne comes from money. You don’t. You’ve made money, but you’re not from wealth. This house is all in Anne’s name. With the infidelity, she would not only keep this house, but her trust fund, and also half of your income, not to mention the cost of raising your children and putting them through college. Anne could kick your ass out at any moment.”

She shrugged. “I wonder if she knows all of that. She doesn’t need you. You’re useless as a person, as a man. Instead, like a lot of women, she thinks it’s good for the kids to keep you around.” Robin paused as she thought about her own feelings when it came to Reaper and Bethany. Her love for him wasn’t strong enough.

There was where her problem had been for so long.

She didn’t love Reaper. But he hadn’t given her a reason to hate him, at least not yet. Pushing all those feelings aside, she picked up Bethany and walked upstairs, waiting for Anne to return. Before she left, she gave Elijah one last parting shot. “Sooner or later, Anne is going to figure all of this out. She doesn’t need you. You’re nothing but trouble, and the kids, you can see them whenever you want, but she can have a life that’s far better than the one you’re providing her with.”


“Where’s Robin?” Billy asked.

“As safe as she can be at Anne’s house. Do you have anything?”

“I’ve got some favors and I sent this out to the city big boys to run through. We got a couple of hits,” Billy said, spinning the computer monitor so he could see.

He glanced through the list of men all wanted in several murder cases. They all had a list of rape, assault, possession, and priors. Each one part of a gang, a vicious group of men known for hunting easy, vulnerable prey.

Preacher’s blood ran cold as he connected the dots.

When he saw the sketched images, he had this vague recollection of knowing them. Now, as he looked at the images on the screen and saw their names, he knew without a shadow of a doubt.

“They’re Reaper’s men. They work for the Slaves to the Beast.”

Which meant if Robin was taken, Reaper was the one to give them the fucking key.

Chapter Six

“She’ll need feeding and I’ve noticed she loves pureed apple and carrot.”

“She also likes to eat potato chips. I keep an eye on her and make sure she doesn’t choke. You seem to forget I’ve been taking care of her for some time now, Robin. You don’t need to worry.”

Robin nibbled on her lip. “You’re right. I’m sorry. I’m crazy. I know. You’ve had her for a lot longer than I have.”

Reaper grabbed her hand and pulled her close. “You need to stop stressing out about the small stuff. I know what I’m doing here. Remember, Bethany missed her mother.”

She tried not to tense in his arms. Ever since he’d called her the night b

efore while she’d been taking a bath, she’d felt uneasy. Even last night her dreams had been plagued by the first couple of weeks when he’d taken her.