They arrived at Reaper’s house and her hands shook a little. That she knew of, this was the first time Preacher had come to Reaper’s.

Both men once again together. They had lived together for a short time before Reaper got this place. Again, she didn’t ask how he got it, only that he now owned it, and she always felt a lot of stuff wasn’t her business. This wasn’t her life and it wasn’t her job to keep an eye on every single man in her life.

She took a deep breath, let it out, and did the same thing over and over again, trying to hide how sick she felt. The pancakes threatened to spill back up but rather than give them a chance, she climbed out of the car and simply breathed in deep, hoping to calm the fear filling her body.

Reaper opened the door. He held Bethany against him.

She smiled at seeing her little girl, rushing toward them.

“Hey,” she said. “How was she?”

“She’s been perfect. I thought you were spending the night with Anne,” he said. “Having a girls’ night.”

“Yes. I did. Preacher brought me back. I went to the clubhouse with Anne last night.”

“I see.”

She didn’t like his tone and he stepped away, still holding Bethany.

“I, er, I need to use the bathroom,” Robin said.

This wasn’t good. Reaper was angry. She instantly wanted to make him feel better. To soothe the monster so he wasn’t hurt. Taking a deep breath, she waited.

“You know where it is.”

She had to get some distance.

Without looking back at Preacher, she quickly escaped to the bathroom. After closing the door behind her, she leaned up against the counter, pressing her head to the cool tile. “You can do this. It’s n

ot your problem he’s upset.”

In and out.

Deep breaths.

Don’t rush.

She didn’t have a problem. Reaper did. This wasn’t her fault.

It is your fault. You told him you loved him. You were willing to make a life with him. Now you’ve got to deal with the consequences. You don’t get to have a happily-ever-after. They’re for people who deserve it. You’re nothing but a whore and a slut. Who would sleep with their best friend’s dad? Who would fuck the man who took them? Someone sick and twisted, that’s who.

She splashed cold water on her face, ignoring the pain in her temples. This wasn’t the time or place to be listening to her scary thoughts. She had to get control of herself and not get lost in the pain.

When she no longer felt like she was going to throw up, she opened the door and closed it behind her. She wore sneakers, so they didn’t make a sound as she walked across the room, heading back to where Reaper and Preacher were talking.

“You know, I find it interesting you’re still sniffing around her,” Reaper said. “I’m the father. I’m the one with the kid. Robin belongs to me. You’ve got to admit defeat.”

“You think you’ve won her?”

“Look where I am. You’ve got to understand, Preacher, she will always return to me. Bethany is my flesh and blood. Did you know I got her to admit she loved me? Robin is mine, and you lost her. All this time, you trusted all the wrong people.”

“Then why did Robin come to me last night? I find this all fascinating. You took Robin not because you wanted her; no, that came later. You took her so you could hurt me. When it comes to my woman, your feelings are all about hate. It’s what you can get out of it, not what you feel for Robin.”

“I love Robin.”

“No, you don’t.”

Reaper laughed. “And you’re an expert?”