Preacher was there, holding her hand. “I’ve got you. I’m not going to let you go. I need you. We’re doing this together.”

“No, we did this together, but everything else,” she said, sniffling. “It’s not right. I’m not ready.”

“Come on, baby.”

“It hurts.”

“Not much longer.”

Her impatience was starting to grow now. She wanted to see her son, to feel him against her, and as she lifted up, screamed, and bore down, she didn’t give up, she didn’t admit defeat.

Preacher held her hand as she bore down, her cries of pain and agony filled the air, and not being able to stop it. When her baby finally came out, he did so with a cry, and it was the most precious sound in the world.

The doctors and nurses took him to do their necessary measurements as Robin collapsed to the bed again. Only this time, she didn’t have to get back up. She could fall asleep. Her job was done.

“Fuck me, baby, you’re strong. You’re amazing.”

She smiled up at him. “We did it.”

“Here you go,” Randall said. “Here is your beautiful boy.”

She held her arms open and took their boy. Preacher stroked his head lightly.

“He’s so tiny.”

“He’ll grow, trust me,” Randall said. “Have you picked a name yet?”

She looked at Preacher.

“We’re naming him Caleb Junior, after myself,” Preacher said.

“Interesting name. I’ll leave you two.”

“Hello, Caleb. I’m your mommy. There’s your daddy. We’re going to love and hold you, and cherish you forever. You will be so loved.”

“I love you, Robin, so fucking much,” Preacher said.

For one of the very few times in her life, she saw Preacher crying. “Don’t cry.”

“I’m not crying.” He didn’t make a move to wipe the tears away but she knew he felt a great deal and for that, she would cherish these moments for the rest of her life. Kissing the top of her boy’s head, she hoped to have many more of these moments.


Six months later

“Do you have any idea how dangerous it could have been?” Preacher asked, holding his son in one arm as Bethany was also on his back.

Robin dropped the back of her shirt and turned toward him. She reached for Bethany, pulling their daughter into her arms.

“I wasn’t going to have his name on my flesh anymore. We made a decision together, Preacher. I’m not his. I was never his, and I’m not going to wear his mark as any kind of proof or attachment to him. I’m done. I love you. I want you. That’s final. Now, do you want to argue about this some more?” she asked. “I’ve got to take care of it. I’ve got the salve which you can rub in regularly. I’ve got some aftercare instructions. Believe me, nothing bad is going to come of it.”

“I didn’t think anything bad would come of it. I wanted to be there.”

Seeing Reaper’s name removed from her back was something he’d been looking forward to. Robin had come to him because she wanted it removed completely and he was more than willing to give his woman what she wanted, even if it meant he was going to have to wait to see that name gone.

Robin sighed. “You hate to see me in pain. Believe me, getting a tattoo is not easy for me. I cry. I get all emotional and weepy. It’s not pretty. I wasn’t being selfish. I think I was trying to save the artist’s life. This is for you, all of you. Every single part of me is yours. I would have had it done sooner if I could. Please don’t be mad at me.”

Just then, Caleb Junior chose that moment to sta