Page 45 of Her Last Choice

Before he could say or ask anything else, she hung up.

“What did he want?” Jack asked as he opened the car.

“To let me know the trail on Lynch is going cold pretty damned quick. He said—”

She stopped as that low-thrumming headache seemed to expand. It felt as if it had tendrils that were reaching out into her head. It didn’t hurt all that bad honestly, but it came on fast. It was so fast that the world continued to reel as it had when she’d answered the call from Anderson. She leaned against the car for support but even that wasn’t enough.

“Rachel?” It was Jack’s voice, but very distorted.

No…I was doing so well, she thought. Just a few hours ago, I was marveling over how I hadn’t felt so well since getting the diagnosis.

She felt the car slipping away from her and after that, she was falling. She braced for the impact, but the world had gone black before she felt it.