Page 24 of Out for a Bite

Right before her, the panther shifted into Ray. There was no doubt. His form became fuzzy, then cloudy, then the man himself stood before her, not the cat.

Thenakedman. Fuck, he’snaked!

Augusta stared, unable to take her eyes off his magnificent body. He was all hard muscle, bulging biceps, and a shredded eight-pack. She couldn’t help her gaze sliding down to his other attributes and licked her lips, knowing she was staring but not doing a damn thing to stop herself.

Ray grabbed her hand, urging her up. His dark-brown eyes reached through her haze of shock and soul-shattering arousal, and she was able to run with him back to the car.

“Fuck, fuck!” he ground out as he put the key in the ignition. She realized he’d grabbed the torn remains of his pants with his keys and wallet. He hit the steering wheel in frustration as he started the car.

“Are you okay?” she asked.

He shook his head. “No. I mean, yes. I just really liked that suit, that’s all.”

Augusta smiled, watching his cute pout as he pulled onto the main road. His gorgeous, curved lips enchanted her almost as much as his completely naked body.

The key word here beingalmost.

They headed through the city, to where, she didn’t know and was afraid to ask. When they arrived, he pulled a trench coat from the back seat and wrapped it around himself. Augusta followed him without any protest.

I may be a prisoner, but I really don’t think I’m safe out there by myself. I am still trying to fully understand what the hell is going on. Men turn into animals and then go back to naked men. What world have I fallen into

She may have had this thought before, but now it was incredibly influenced by Ray’s naked body and how she couldn’t stop looking at it.

When they got inside, the first thing Ray did was find towels so they could dry off. He hurried to throw on some jeans and a tight T-shirt, bringing out a small plastic bag of clothes for her.

“I’m not sure what’s in here, but hopefully, something will fit you,” he said. “It’s just bits and pieces that have been left here occasionally.”

“No used panties, I hope?” Augusta asked warily.

“No,” he laughed. “Well, I don’t think so. It’s not all from conquests, you know. I have cousins and close friends that have stayed here.”

“Okay,” she muttered as he left the room. She found a soft pair of black slacks and a blue sweater that fit well enough. Before she could wonder where Ray had gone, he returned with a small med kit in his hand.

“Here,” he said. “Sit down.”

She sat in an armchair and he gently cleaned the bruise on her cheek, which had opened up into a nasty slash. She could see turmoil in his eyes as if this one small injury to her was more than he could bear.

“It’s okay,” she said. “It’s nothing.”

“It’s not nothing,” he growled. “I went too easy on that fucker. I should have taken him apart piece by piece instead of giving him a quick death.”

Augusta stayed quiet, letting him treat her bruise. His obvious emotion made feelings of tenderness surge inside her, but she fought them off.

Don’t. Don’t get involved.

Some part of her knew it was already way too late. She had built such a strong wall around her heart to keep people from hurting her. Now she is falling for a man who has tied her up, held her hostage and kills men?

Ray offered to cook, and she agreed eagerly. It had been a while since she’d had a decent meal, and she felt weak and shaky, especially after the series of shocks that had piled up on her so suddenly. It was possible that the last twelve hours had been the most stressful of her entire life.

To her surprise, Ray launched into the kitchen with enthusiasm and flair. He really knew what he was doing … even if it was just a simple meal. While he cruised around the counters handling the cooking, she sat at the island bar and watched.

“So, you’re a shifter?” she asked, the question beginning to pound in her mind so loudly that she had to express it.

Ray paused with a spoonful of tomato paste, looking at her and nodding. “Yes. Is that a problem?”

“No,” she said. “I’ve just never seen one … well, except for that wolf. That really freaked me out. I thought it was all rumor and urban legend.”

“Well,” he said, grinning as he tasted the sauce. “Now you have firsthand knowledge.”