Page 27 of Out for a Bite

“Are you sure?” he asked.

She realized that even though he was aroused and his body was committed, he would stop if she asked him to. Arousal shot through her body, igniting the stream of desire already racing through her.

She nodded. “Yes.”

Ray moaned softly as his lips met hers again, pushing her back onto the couch. She crumpled under him, letting herself melt into the cushions while she became lost in his kiss.

The feeling of his hands roaming across her body made her cry out as her skin came alive. The clothes between them frustrated her so badly that she wanted to rip them apart with her bare hands.

Maybe, I could lie very still while his sharp claws cut them off me, inch by inch.

Ray’s hand moved down her belly, sliding between her legs to rub her through the pants. She thrashed up and down, feeling herself getting wet enough to soak the fabric. She cried out, a sudden, desperate noise, then she tugged on the waistband, writhing under him.

Ray sat up, smiling as he covered her hands with his. He gripped the waistband and drew the pants down, teasing her thighs with the edges of his fingertips as he pulled them along her legs.

His every movement was slow and deliberate, and it made her lust rise even faster. She squirmed as his hands made their way back up her legs, purposefully teasing her with his gentle touch.

Augusta writhed up and down as he trailed his fingers on her hot flesh. She threw her head back and moaned, begging for absolution. The ache inside her was intensifying until arousal throbbed in every inch of her body, not just the usual places.

I have never felt anything like this.

Then Ray wrapped his arms around her thighs, diving into her pussy with his tongue. A scream burst from her own throat as he used his hot, slick tongue to lash up and down the inner lips and lap against her clit.

Bolts of pure pleasure surged through her, throbbing deep inside and exploding within her core. Goose bumps flashed across her skin, and she was vaguely aware of her sharp cries as she came.

Ray paused, gently using the tip of his tongue to caress the outer edges of her pussy. Augusta’s hips thrashed as the sensations jolted through her, the pleasure so intense that her body was no longer under her control. When her pussy started to pulse with another orgasm, Ray dropped lower and flicked his tongue inside her.

Augusta moaned, the sound ripping through her body and tearing out of her throat. Ray’s lips on her gushing pussy and his tongue lapping inside as if to eat the orgasm out of her took her beyond any pleasure she had ever experienced. Her body went limp in his arms as he tightened his grip on her thighs and pressed her even harder to his mouth.

“Come for me,” he muttered. “Come for me, Augusta.”

She did. Another climax thundered through her, and this time, her throat was scratched by a scream that rang from the walls. Even as her body began to calm, Ray didn’t stop until she was limp and shaking, her head tossing side to side while she muttered nonsense, trying to remember how to breathe.

When he finally stopped and sat up, he trailed his fingers gently over her skin, teasing her belly, hips, and thighs. Her breathing settled as her heart returned to a steady pace. She was still extremely hot and throbbing, her outer lips as well as deep inside her pussy.

She looked up and saw his penetrating gaze completely focused on her. No one had ever regarded her like that before … like she was a work of art, a priceless treasure. It was as if he wanted to absorb every moment of her arousal and climax. It turned her on even more.

Augusta reached out, gripping his forearms and tugging him toward her.

“Fuck me,” she whispered, her voice growing louder as she pleaded. “Please, fuck me.”

He stood to take off his pants with agonizing slowness. Her eyes were fixed on his hands as he slowly pulled his pants down, then his underwear. Augusta realized that he was deliberately turning in a slow circle to treat her to a fine view of his tight ass and rippling abs. She whimpered when he raised his arms to take off his shirt, watching his powerful arms bulge as he tossed it to the floor.

When he settled between her legs, he reached out and urged her to sit up. She realized she was still wearing her sweater and tried to pull it off, only to get caught between the neck and the sleeve.

As she struggled with the sweater on her head, she felt Ray’s hot lips and slick tongue touch her nipple. She moaned, fighting even harder with the sweater as his hands wrapped around her waist, and he explored her breasts with his mouth. The pleasure melted her so completely that she stopped fighting with the sweater and fell back onto the couch.

In a world of soft darkness, the only thing that was real were the sensations as he worked her over. His strong hands slid up her body, cupping and squeezing at her breasts while his lips and tongue caressed her nipples.

She rocked under him, thrusting her hips forward. Ray dragged one hand down, sliding a finger into her pussy. His hot mouth on her breasts combined with his strong finger pleasuring her was too much to bear, and she writhed and moaned senselessly.

Suddenly, he stopped, and Augusta felt the couch move as he sat back. Carefully, his hands ran along her arms until she was free of the sweater. When her eyes met his, she felt a bolt of pure pleasure sear her core. It spread to her heart and down to her clit, making her ache and throb.

He kept his eyes on hers as he braced one hand on her shoulder and then rocked forward with his hips. Ray ran his hand up and down her pussy, teasing and gently sliding his finger in. Then he rocked forward again, pressing his huge, hard cock against the slick, throbbing lips.

“Yes?” he murmured, not taking his eyes from hers. Augusta nodded, gripping his shoulders with both hands as she pushed her hips toward him.

“Yes, yes,” she screamed. Ray smiled, closing his eyes briefly while he found her soft, slick opening and slid himself inside.