Page 32 of Out for a Bite



It was mid-afternoon by the time they left Microchip Jones’s store. Augusta blinked at the bright sunshine, momentarily lost as she thought about their next steps.

“Would you like to get something to eat?” Ray asked.

“Sure,” she said, smiling. “What did you have in mind?”

“There is a fantastic place I know that has the most amazing caviar and aged French champagne,” he said. “I’d love to take you there.”

Her stomach twisted with nervousness. She had never been to a really fancy restaurant before, plus, she’d expected him to suggest a local diner or café. She supposed those weren’t exactly Ray’s style.

“I’m not sure I’m dressed well enough,” Augusta said shyly.

Ray looked her over with an appreciative grin. “You look great to me.”

Augusta blushed furiously. “I mean, don’t these top places have strict dress codes?”

Ray shrugged. “Kind of. But it’s not like you’re wearing dusty cast-offs or something. You’re fine. Let me take you there.”

His eyes were so warm and generous that she couldn’t refuse. He was obviously excited to share this with her, as if he wanted to invite her into his world. As they walked back to the car, anticipation rose in her.

Ray maneuvered the car through the busy streets, concentrating on the traffic. Augusta watched him, studying his beautiful hands where they gripped the steering wheel and the way his face changed when he was annoyed.

She couldn’t stop checking him out and admiring him. No matter how much she told herself this was a very bad idea, her heart wouldn’t listen.

They pulled up into a wide, circular drive, and Ray tossed the keys to a valet, hurrying to open the car door for Augusta. She took his hand as she stepped out, wishing she was wearing a long, elegant gown instead of slacks and a simple sweater. When they reached the maître d’, the man smiled and greeted them warmly.

“Mr. Moretti,” he said. “Would you like your usual table?”

“Of course,” Ray replied. “Thank you.”

The man nodded and escorted them to a table set in an alcove. It was quiet, away from the clinking of cutlery and the low rumble of voices. Even though it was still afternoon, the place was filling fast.

Augusta couldn’t help but feel out of place when she passed by women in sparkly dresses, fashionable suits, and fine gowns. She held her head high, though, and Ray’s hand on hers tightened as they walked as if he wanted everyone to know she was with him.

They sat and perused the menu, but Augusta had no idea what to order. Ray ordered for them at her request.

The waiter brought out a bottle of champagne and an elegant dish of caviar after they’d ordered, and Augusta commented on the fast service.

“Oh, they always bring this out for me,” Ray said dismissively. “Most people get bread on their tables … the boss knows I like something a little more refined.”

Augusta took a sip of the champagne, finding it incredibly crisp and light. Her head swam after the first glass since she wasn’t much of a drinker. While she sampled the bubbly, Ray set up a piece of mini toast with a spoonful of caviar for her to try.

She nibbled on it delicately, and when she looked up, she saw Ray watching her with a steady gaze. She blushed, grinning.

“You like it?” Ray asked, his voice high with expectation. She nodded.

“I’ve tried it before, once or twice. However, this is far superior to anything I’ve ever had at a private function.”

Ray nodded.

“Only the best, here. If there is anything you’d like, let me know. I’m sure I can get it for you.”

Augusta looked into his wide, caring eyes, and her heart skipped a beat. She was falling for him, and she knew it.

“All this …” she said, gesturing around the restaurant as she sipped her champagne, “it’s almost as if you are trying to sweep me off my feet, Ray.”